- The biter is sometimes bit. 恶人自有恶人磨。
- The biter is sometimes bit 恶人自有恶人磨。
- It often happens that the biter is bit. 理发师也不能理自己的头。
- A power drill will chatter if the bit is loose. 如果钻头松动,电钻会嘎嘎作响
- A power drill will chatterif the bit is loose. 如果钻头松动,电钻会嘎嘎作响。
- The bite is even or sufficiently undershot to square the muzzle. 钳状咬和或下颚突出式咬和,形成正方形口吻。
- Time is sometimes called the fourth dimension. 时间有时被称为第四度空间。
- The bit is nearing the shoe. Slow down the running speed. 快到套管鞋位置了,放慢点速度。
- The truth is sometimes difficult to get at. 有时真相不易搞清。
- If the bit is 0, the extent has not been modified by bulk logged operations. 如果位是0,则该扩展盘区未被有日志记录的大容量复制操作修改。
- Be careful of the dog; it sometimes bites people. 留心那条狗,有时候咬人。
- If the bit is set to '1' the application of an external transistor is. 1,则假定外部晶体管使用。
- The self-timer is sometimes very useful. 有时候定时装置很有用。
- Crime is sometimes engendered by poverty. 犯罪有时是由贫困引起的。
- The bite is scissors and the teeth are rather large and well spaced with complete dentition. 咬和为剪状咬和,牙齿大,排列整齐且齿系完整。
- Love is sometimes put in range with a career. 人们往往认为爱情和事业是并驾齐驱的。
- Plastic is sometimes used instead of leather. 塑胶有时可以替代皮革。
- For each extent updated by a bulk-logged operation since the last log backup, the bit is set to 1 in the bitmap. 对于自上次日志备份后由大容量日志操作所更新的每个区,在位图中将每个位都设置为1。
- Real life is sometimes stranger than fiction. 现实生活有时比小说还离奇。
- Though the dangers of mapping a previously unexplored cave far outweigh the bite of this spider, one caver admits, "their bite is bad, but nobody has died from one. 尽管探测一个从未开发过的洞穴远比被这种蜘蛛咬一口的危险性大得多,但一个探察者说:“被这蜘蛛咬了可不太妙,但还没人因此而死。”