- The air smelled of paint. 空气里有一股油漆味。
- The air smells of paint. 空气里散发着油漆味.
- The air was reeking with the smell of tobacco. 空气中弥漫着烟草的气味。
- The air smelled of unwashed clothes, and some people edged away. 空气中弥漫着脏衣服的味道,一些人唯恐避之不及。
- Flaked and broken rock littered the floor, and the air smelled of dust and crumbling stone. 地板上满是丢得乱七八糟的石头,空气中也弥漫着尘土和碎石的味道。
- It had been raining-the first real spring rain of the year had fallen-a bright spangle hung on everything, and the air smelled of buds and moist earth. 雨下个不停(这年第一场真正的春雨已经下过了),万物晶莹闪亮,空气中弥散着花苞叶芽和潮湿泥土的气息。
- The faint smell of flowers lay on the air. 空气里带着淡淡的花香。
- The smell of perfume hung in the air. 香水的气味飘浮在空中。
- The smell of burning rubber filled the air. 空气中弥漫着橡胶燃烧的气味。
- There was a smell of burning in the air. 空气中有一股烧东西的焦煳味。
- The air is heavy with the smell of the apples. 空气里都是苹果味。
- Uncle Sam: "The house smells of paint. 房子有油漆味。"爱丽丝:"我们来闻花的味道。
- The air smelled like smoke and roared with noise. 空气中弥漫着烟尘,充斥着噪音。
- The smell of warm tar was in the air. 一股热沥青的气味弥漫在空气中。
- There was a strong smell of burning in the air. 空气中弥漫着烧糊东西的味道。
- The whole aff air smells of plotting. 这整个事件都含有阴谋。
- When Anna crushed the herbs, the air smelled sweet. 当安娜把香草压碎时,空气里飘荡着甜香。
- The air smelled like spring rain. 空气闻起来像是春雨的气息。
- The air smelt fresh after the rain. 雨后的空气闻起来很清爽。
- There was a smell of stale vegetables in the air. 空气中有陈腐蔬菜的气味。