- The ability of synthetical use. 综合应用能力。
- Please test the ability of our newly developed full automatic camera. 请试验一下本公司最新出品全自动相机的能力。
- He has the ability of take care of his difficult. 他有自己照顾自身困难的本领。
- Deep see fish oil improves the ability of immunity. 配合天然薰衣草和甘菊萃取精华,舒缓宝宝的心情的同时,令宝宝头发清爽滋润,柔顺易梳理。
- The ability of apes for imitation is interesting. 猿类的模仿能力很有趣。
- The ability of synthetic boehmite to remove phosphate ions from milk was investigated. 本文主要讨论合成勃姆石有效去除牛奶中磷酸离子的能力。
- Man alone has the ability of speaking. 翻译:只有人类具有讲话的能力。
- The ability of different Harmonics spectrum. 谐波阶次处理能力。
- Our skin has the ability of regeneration. 我们的皮肤具有再生功能。
- An employer should appraise the ability of his men. 雇主应该鉴定员工的能力。
- How would you rate the abilities of the applicant? 你如何评估申请人的能力?
- She lacks the ability of adjustment in work. 她在工作中缺乏机变的能力。
- The ability of animals to survive decreases. 动物们的生存能力低下。
- The paper is introducing synthetical use of pomace. 本文介绍苹果渣综合利用。
- Have the ability of analyzing system. 有一定的系统分析能力;
- There is no sure way of evaluating the ability of an individual. 没有能确切地评价一个人能力的方法。
- He had the ability of talking at length and talking nothing. 他有本领谈半天而毫无内容。
- Widen and ease. Get rid of fatigue. Enhance the ability of memory. 开阔放松,提神醒脑,增强记忆,祛除疲劳。
- The basin is made of synthetic resin. 这个盆是用合成树脂做的。
- People equate succe in life with the ability of operating computer. 人们把会使用计算机与人生成功相提并论.