- I highly recommend the Viceroy Tso Chicken. 我极力推荐左宗棠鸡。
- There is the Viceroy's palace with the big columns. 您看!这个总督府有着大圆柱。’
- Mr Amery telegraphed in this sense to the Viceroy on the same day. 艾默里先生于同日将此意电告总督。
- Mr. Amery telegraphed in this sense to the Viceroy on the same day. 艾默里先生于同日将此意电告总督。
- But what did we witness in the great pandal in which the foundation ceremony was performed by the Viceroy. 但总督主持的奠基大典上我们看到的又是什么。
- On March 2nd 1930, as a protest at tax on salt, Gandhi wrote a remarkable letter to Lord Irwin, the Viceroy of India. 1930年3月2 日,作为对盐税运动的抗议,甘地写了一封影响重大的的信给印度总督欧文勋爵。
- When I used to go to Calcutta with Hriday, he would show me the Viceroy's palace and say: 'Look, uncle! 当我与利德一起来到加尔各答的时候,他会指着总督府,对我说:‘叔叔!
- Beiyang female hospital was established in1902 after Yuanshikai became the viceroy. 北洋女医院是1902年袁世凯出任直隶总督后建立的。
- The Viceroy hes publicly declered thet cheep silver hes ected es e stimulus to the progress of Indie. 棋软收藏站 提供中国象棋、五子棋、国际象棋、围棋、黑白棋的软件下载。
- Jinchuan crusade army of the Ching court sets, wood Pinglv bing to assist the Viceroy Dong Tian Butejin jiao . 清廷集大军征讨金川,率兵赴木坪,协助提督董天弼进剿。
- The plan was to execute a flank movement to the left, cut off and capture the viceroy. 打算由左翼行动,切断代理总督(缪拉)并活捉他。
- She was at the boarding of the Viceroy of the Indies out of Goa, she was; and to look at her you would think she was a babby. 你别看它的样子像个雏鸟,在果阿附近攻打‘印度总督’号时,它也在
- The sharpshooters of Morand's division and of the viceroy's division will open a hot fire on seeing the beginning of the attack of the right wing. 索尔比埃将军应作好准备,一接到命令,立即用近卫军的全部榴弹炮轰击敌人的任何一处防御工事。
- The native Press at Shanghai reports, it is true, that the Manchu GENERAL TUNGFUHSIANG has been arrested and the VICEROY of CHI-LI delivered up to the Board of Punishments. 就上海当地媒体报导,满州将军董福祥据传已被逮捕,直隶总督也上交刑部审理。
- Finding it healthy,they wished to retain it as a military cantonment,with the result that Sir Harry Parkes,Consul at Canton,secured from the Viceroy a lease of the peninsula as far north as Boundary Street,including Stonecutters Island. 英军发现当地环境适宜,拟保留九龙半岛驻防,经英国驻广州领事白加士爵士与两广总督交涉后,获得九龙半岛南端(北至界限街)连同昂船洲的租借权。
- Finding it healthy, they wished to retain it as a military cantonment, with the result that Sir Harry Parkes, Consul at Canton, secured from the Viceroy a lease of the peninsula as far north as Boundary Street, including Stonecutters Island. 英军发现当地环境适宜,拟保留九龙半岛驻防,经英国驻广州领事白加士爵士与两广总督交涉后,获得九龙半岛南端(北至界限街)连同昂船洲的租借权。
- The wind whirled the dead leaves about. 风吹得枯叶在四处回旋。
- The wind was whispering in the trees. 一阵风穿过树林沙沙作响。
- The son of an illiterate Muslim boatman, he was known for his simple lifestyle despite occupying the opulent 340-room sandstone palace that housed the viceroy when Britain ruled the subcontinent. 身为穆斯林文盲船夫的儿子,他住在英国殖民这块次大陆时总督所住的沙岩豪华总统府,虽然拥有三百四十间房间,仍维持简单的生活方式而闻名。
- There are 26 letters in the English alphabet. 英语字母表中有26个字母。