- The Vengeance followed. 复仇女神跟着她。
- Where vice is, vengeance follow. 有罪必有罚。
- The Vengeance, also, highly approved. 复仇女神也非常赞成。
- Where villainy go before, vengeance follow after. 罪在前,罚在后。
- Where villainy go before,vengeance follow after. 罪在前,罚在后。
- But the vengeance of Juno was not yet satiated. 但是朱诺报复之心不死。
- The Vengeance of Juno was not yet satiated. 朱诺报复之心不死。
- Saint Antoine slept, the Defarges slept: even The Vengeance slept with her starved grocer, and the drum was at rest. 圣安托万睡着了,德伐日夫妇睡着了,就连复仇女神也跟她的杂货小贩睡着了,大鼓也休息了。
- On one of the fore-most chairs, stands The Vengeance, looking about for her friend. 复仇女神站在最前面的一把椅子上。 她在寻找她的朋友。
- "I willingly obey the orders of my Chief," said The Vengeance with alacrity, and kissing her cheek. “我衷心接受上级的命令,”复仇女神敏捷作答,而且亲了亲她的面颊。
- As The Vengeance descends from her elevation to do it, the tumbrils begin to discharge their loads. 复仇女神从椅子上跳下来喊叫时,囚车已开始下人。
- It was The Vengeance who, amidst the warm commendations of the audience, thus assisted the proceedings. 那在听众的热烈赞扬声中像这样促进了审讯过程的是复仇女神。
- Hector: On the contrary. To obtain the vengeance I seek, Isaac must be slain by my hand alone. Ergo, nothing was lost. 赫:正相反,为了达成我的复仇,阿萨克必须被我杀掉。所以,没什么遗憾的。
- For it is the day of the vengeance of the Lord, the year of recompenses of the judgment of Sion. 因为这是上主复雠的日子,是为报复熙雍敌人的一年。
- He told himself that it was the enmity of man, and not the vengeance of heaven, that had thus plunged him into the deepest misery. 他对自己说,把他抛入这无限痛苦的深渊里的,是人的仇恨而不是天的报应。
- He plotted out the course the ship should follow. 他在海图上标绘出了这艘船该走的航线。
- The President rang his bell; but, The Vengeance, warming with encouragement, shrieked, 'I defy that bell!' wherein she was likewise much commended. 庭长摇铃,受到鼓动、头脑发热的复仇女神尖叫道,“我才不理你那铃声呢,”因而她再次受到赞赏。
- The Vengeance and Jacques Three vied with each other in their fervent protestations that she was the most admirable and marvellous of witnesses. 复仇女神和雅克三号彼此争先恐后地肯定她是最值得尊重,也是最精彩的证人。
- The dog followed the fox's tracks into the woods. 那只狗沿着狐狸的足迹跑进了树林。
- The Defarges, husband and wife, The Vengeance, and Jacques Three, were in the first press, and at no great distance from him in the Hall. 德伐日夫妇、复仇女神和雅克三号第一批到达,站在大厅里距离那老头儿不远处。