- Cao Zhi of the State of Wei in the Three Kingdom Period. 魏国的大文豪曹植。
- Lv Meng was a general of Wu during the Three Kingdoms Period (220-180). 三国时期(220-280),吴国有一个叫吕蒙的将军。
- During the Three Kingdoms Period (200-280), a dancer named Zheng Feipeng was in love with Wei Sinu, a drummer. 三国时代(公元200--265)的舞伎郑飞蓬与鼓手卫斯奴从小相爱,
- "San Guo Online" is an adventure game based on war stories from the Three Kingdoms period of Chinese history. 《铁血三国志》以三国时期战争故事为背景,是一款冒险类网络游戏。
- The battle of the Red Cliff determined the triangular balance of power during the Three Kingdoms period. 赤壁之战决定了三国鼎足之势。
- During the Three Kingdoms period there was a famous statesman and military strategist named Cao Cao. 三国时期,又一位著名的政治家、军事家叫曹操。有一年夏天,他带兵赶路,来到一处干旱荒凉的地方。
- Zhou Yu is a general who was well versed in both polite letters, and martial arts during the Three Kingdoms period. 周瑜是我国三国时期一名文武双全的大将。
- Following the Han Dynasty and the Three Kingdoms period, Chinese calligraphy reached another peak in the jin Dynasty (265-420). 汉代以后,经过六十余年的三国鼎立,进入晋代。书法又出现了一高峰。
- The stone tablets on Mount Yi were destroyed by Cao Cao of the Three Kingdoms period (220-280), but rubbings from the inscriptions are preserved. 《峄山刻石》原石已被后来曹操登山时毁掉,但留下了碑文。
- The most noteworthy among the cultural relics of the Three Kingdoms period unearthed by archeologists are celadon, bronze mirrors and weapons. 考古发掘出土的三国文物以青瓷器、铜镜和兵器最值得注意。
- Trepang in more than 600 million years ago in the Precambrian has existed until the Three Kingdoms period is officially documented. 海参在6亿多年前的前寒武纪就已经存在,直到三国时期才有正式文献记载。
- Its subject-matter, a rhapsody of the same title by Cao Zhi, a poet of the Three Kingdoms Period (220-280), is included in The Selections of Refined Literature by Xiao Tong. 取材于三国魏曹植《洛神赋》原著载于《文
- The deep passageway, built by the founder of the Wei Kingdom during the Three Kingdoms Period (AD 220-280), meandered through the city in all four directions. 这条深深的地下通道,是由三国时期(公元220-280 )魏王国的创立者蜿蜒通过城市地下指向四个方向。
- In the three kingdom period, Zhuge Liang lived in seclusion in a thatched cottage. 三国时,诸葛亮住在隆中的茅庐里,刘备听说诸葛亮很有本事,又有学识。
- In fact, backgammon is a cell phone game, the game in the background of the Three Kingdoms period, players from many countries who choose to carry out a Sisha! 其实就是一款五子棋手机游戏,这款游戏背景设在三国时期,玩家可以从众多三国名将中选取一个进行撕杀!
- Traditionally has been the object of civil Chongsi, Shu Han famous generals of the Three Kingdoms Period, the former generals, Hanshou Tinghou, military strategist. 一直是历来民间崇祀的对象,三国时期蜀汉著名将领,前将军,汉寿亭侯,军事家。
- As early as the Three Kingdom Period, YuanShao, a famous duke, once had millions of solders stationed in Jizhou City in order to fight Caocao, another famous duke. 三国时期袁绍曾于冀州屯兵百万与曹操抗衡,西汉大哲学家、儒家学派一代宗师董仲舒就生于衡水景县。
- Tianyou handknitten silk carpets,produced in Nanyang Henan Province,the hometown of Zhu GE-li -ang,a famous strategist in the Three kingdom Period,are made from natural materials. 相关简介: 天有手工真丝地毯产自河南南阳--三国时代著名军事家诸葛亮的家乡,全部由桑蚕丝手工制成。
- A Narrative of Economic Funeral lore in the Three Kingdoms Period 三国时期的薄葬风俗述论