- The Sutra of Hui Neng 坛经
- Let's take an example of the sutra of Da Bei Zou.Various Buddha's names that teem in the sutra represent different frequency. 以大悲咒为例,内文均为各佛菩萨的名号,亦代表着各种不同的频率。
- This is prevalent at the time of Hui Wushu proof. 这都是当时回族武术普遍流行的证明。
- The Sutra of Miscellaneous Jewels(Zabaozhangjin) is one of the important classics of Buddhist scripture,which has strong colloquial characters and is of important value for middle_ancient Chinese research. 《杂宝藏经》是汉文佛典本缘部的重要经典,口语性较强,对中古汉语的研究很有价值。
- The sutra of the heart of prajna 般若心经
- This is the doctrine of all the mystics, from Hui Neng to John of the Cross. 若悟无生顿法,见西方只在刹那。不悟顿教大乘,念佛往生路遥,如何得达?
- The Amita Sutra | The Sutra of the Infinite 佛说阿弥陀经
- The Brahmajala Sutra | The Sutra of Indra's Net 梵网经
- The Sutra of an Upasaka's Precepts 优婆塞戒经
- The Sutra of Buddha's Bequeathed Teaching 遗教经
- The Sutra of Eightfold Enlightenment 八大人觉经
- The Sutra of Glorifying the Enlightened Mind 庄严菩提心经
- The Sutra of Maitreya's Ascension 弥勒上生经
- The Sutra of Maitreya's Buddhahood 弥勒成佛经
- The Sutra of The Huge Treasure Chest 大方广宝箧经
- The Sutra of The Unprecedented Cause and Condition 未曾有因缘经
- The Sutra of the Wanderfully Wise Boys and Girls 妙慧童女经
- The Sutra of Ti-tsang Bodhisattva's Vows 地藏菩萨本愿经
- The Sutra of Turning to the Three Treasures 皈依三宝经
- The Sutra of Mind and "Hearty Ape 《心经》与“心猿”