- The Southeast Asian Alliance 东盟
- Will the Southeast Asian financial crisis hold back the process? 问:中国领导人多次谈到人民币要实现可自由兑换,东南亚金融后机发生后,这一目标的进度有否放慢?Q: On many occasions; Chinese leaders have mentioned that China would achieve the free convertibility of the Renminbi.
- The Southeast Asian economies have grown rather accustomed to growth. 东南亚经济以往常的速度在增长。
- A survey of the Southeast Asian Chinese Studies through the journal of the South Seas society and Asian culture. 看东南亚华人史的研究。
- Mark: Could you reduce your wholesale price? The Southeast Asian financial crisis decreased my purchasing power. 你可不可以降低批发价?你知道东南亚经济危机给我们带来了很大压力。
- The Hong Kong Dollar stood its ground robustly during the Southeast Asian currency crisis of the summer. 在夏季发生的东南亚货币危机中,港元稳如磐石,这是因为我们有八百五十亿美元的外汇储备支持港元。
- J.Cushman &Wang Gungwu (ed.).Changing Identities of the Southeast Asian Chinese since World War II[M].HongKong 1988. 苏哈托.;苏哈托自传--我的思想、言论和行动(中译本)[M]
- Shanghai market in the Southeast Asian plate production floor price stability incident. 上海市场用东南亚板材制作的地板价格稳中见涨。
- The pattern on this Indonesian sea star echoes the batik prints the Southeast Asian archipelago is known for. 这种印度尼西亚海星的图案很个性哈,跟东南亚群岛的腊染艺术图案相映成辉。
- The irresponsible attitudes of Japan in the crisis made the Southeast Asian countries even more distrustful of Japan. 日本在东南亚危机中不负责任的态度,加强了东南亚国家对其已有的不信任感。
- During the second half of last year,I visited some of the Southeast Asian countries,Japan,the United States,Canada and several European countries. 去年下半年,我出访了东南亚、日本、美加和欧洲等多个国家。
- For example,the American manufacturers completely ignored the Southeast Asian market as well as many other Asian markets in the 1960s and 1970s. 例如,60到70年代,美国制造商完全忽视了东南亚和很多其他亚洲市场。
- We are delighted to note that now the Southeast Asian countries have shaken off the shadow of the financial crisis in succession and returned to the track of development. 我们高兴地看到,目前东南亚国家经济已相继走出金融危机的阴影,重新步入发展轨道。
- Vietnam as a member of ASEAN, is the entry of Chinese products into the Southeast Asian market provides an excellent springboard. 越南作为东盟成员国之一,是中国产品进入东南亚市场的极佳跳板。
- Evolution and Structure of the Mesoscale Convection and Its Environment: A Case Study during the Early Onset of the Southeast Asian Summer Monsoon. 中尺度对流及其试验的演化和结构:东南亚夏季风早期爆发期间的个例研究。
- The Southeast Asian countries want to build a zone of freedom and mutuality, freefrom any form or manner of interference by outside powers. 东南亚国家要求建立一个和平中立的地区,不受外来国家任何形式和方式的干涉。
- During the second half of last year, I visited some of the Southeast Asian countries, Japan, the United States, Canada and several European countries. 去年下半年,我出访了东南亚、日本、美加和欧洲等多个国家。
- The Southeast Asian financial crisis occurred in year 1997, followed by the Asian financial crisis of affecting S.Korea of 1998. 从1997年发生东南亚金融危机,乃至1998年韩国的亚洲金融危机,造成许多跨国企业纷纷裁员、关厂、甚至倒闭,造成一连串的金融危机连锁效应。
- But Debbie Stothard who heads the Southeast Asian Human Rights Group ALSEAN in Burma says Burma's military government is still holding up the rescue operation. 但是东面亚人权小组负责人DebraDebbieStothard说,缅甸军政府仍然在阻止援救工作的开展。
- They are anxious, they fear Kampuchea cannot oppose the Vietnamese.This could hurt the interests of the Southeast Asian countries and all of the world's countries. 她们忧虑及害怕柬埔寨不能抵御越南,这对南亚国家和全球的利益均构成损害。”