- The Songs of A Ferryman 摆渡人的歌
- He was awakened by the song of birds in the trees. 他被林中的鸟鸣声闹醒。
- The song the little girl sang by fits was of a strangely sweet sound. 小女孩断断续续唱出的这首歌异常优美。
- And the sweetsilver song of a lark. 还有云雀银铃般的歌声。
- And the sweet silver song of a lark.? 云雀在天空为你歌唱?
- The woods were resonant with the songs of birds. 鸟呜声响彻林间。
- And the sweet sliver song of a lark. 听到云雀那甜美婉转的歌声。
- The songs of the children marching touch me. 孩子们路过时唱得歌打动了我。
- I have sung the songs of thy day Runescape gp. 我已经唱过了您的白天的歌。
- I h***e sung the songs of thy day Runescape gp. 我已经唱过了您的白天的歌。
- I have sung the songs of thy day. 我已经唱过了您的白天的歌。
- The song of the spindle was silent. 纺锤的歌声沈默了。
- Love is not the latest balled on the radio, it is the song of a lifetime. 爱不是广播里的流行歌曲,而是唱响一生的歌谣。
- The song of birds heralds the approach of spring. 百鸟齐鸣报春到。
- I orchestrated the Song of the Volga Boatmen. 我把《伏尔加河船夫曲》改编成了管弦乐曲。
- I am the song of fury, here to serve? 我即是狂怒之歌,服务于此?
- An imitation of the song or cry of a bird. 摹仿鸟叫的声音
- She could sweep the sounding chords of the guitar, and sing to the music, not always Danish melodies, but the songs of a strange land. 她可以扫测音的吉他,唱的音乐,并不总是丹麦的旋律,但歌曲的一个奇怪的土地。
- The lyrics has the song of content! 歌词有内涵的歌!
- Listen to the songs of a bird, the complete song. Music and nature are gifts, but only if you are willing to receive them. 聆听鸟儿歌唱,那是完美的歌唱。音乐和大自然都是礼物,但只有在你愿意接受它们时。