- The Pronouns in Datong Dialect 大同方言的代词
- Who does the pronoun in the third sentence refer to? 第三个句子中的代词指的是谁?
- A noun or pronoun in the objective case. 宾格用作宾格的名词或代词
- The Nasal Rhyme Ending of the Pronoun in Baoding Dialect 保定方言中的人称代词鼻韵尾
- What does the pronoun stand for? 这个代词代表什么?
- He always put the stress on the pronoun. 他总重读代词。
- Why is depression the pronoun of current emotion? 为什么郁闷会是现在心情的代名词?
- Application of Bolting Supports in Datong Coalmines Group Co. 煤巷锚杆支护在大同煤矿集团公司的应用。
- Talk on Mine Water-proof in Datong Coalmines Group Co. 大同煤矿集团公司矿井防治水工作。
- That is why I use masculine pronouns in my examples. 这就是我在范例中使用男性代名词的原因。
- An overview of the pronouns in the Guanzhong dialects 关中方言代词概要
- So from this point, we can say the three-part system of the demonstrative pronoun in Jiujiang dialect is weakened. 从这个意义上讲,九江方言中的指示代词是一个弱化的三分系统。
- Based on the space distance, the demonstrative pronoun in Jiujiang dialect can indicate near, middle and far place. 摘要九江方言中的指示代词有近指、中指和远指。三分的依据是空间距离。
- Taboo, maybe it's the pronoun of tragedy. 禁忌,或许是悲剧的代名词。
- Gender of the pronoun should be identical with its referent. 英语名词的性属类别涉及到其相应代词的性属选择问题。
- the habitual pronunciation of Datong Dialect 发音习惯
- On Measuring Method of Heating-charge in Datong Coal Mining Corporation Ltd. 大同煤矿集团公司收费供热计量方式探讨。
- Review and Prospect of Slip form Construction in Datong Coalmines Group Co. 同煤集团应用滑模施工技术的回顾和展望。
- The position of the pronoun his shows that it is to be betoned. 代词his在句中的位置表示此词应加强调。
- Datong Yungang beer is a famous place, the winery produced in Datong. 云冈啤酒是大同市的地方名产,产于大同市酒厂。