- The Pied piper and his heels. 穿彩衣的吹笛人。
- The pied piper had all the children of Hamlin on his heels. 穿彩衣的吹笛人使得汉姆林镇所有的孩子都跟着他走。
- The novel reaches a breathtaking climax as they close in on the Pied Piper and his accomplices, while Kathy’s life hangs by a thread. 小说在两姐妹被“花衣魔笛手”和他的帮凶劫持,小凯茜命悬一线的时候到达了令人窒息的高潮。
- 2. The Pied piper had all the children of Hamlin on his heels. 穿彩衣的吹笛人使得汉姆林镇所有的孩子都跟着他走。
- 1. The Pied piper had all the children of Hamlin on his heels. 穿彩衣的吹笛人使得汉姆林镇所有的孩子都跟着他走。
- 4. The Pied piper had all the children of Hamlin on his heels. 穿彩衣的吹笛人使得汉姆林镇所有的孩子都跟着他走。
- Best believe somebody's payin the pied piper. 最好相信有人会为你在身后默默注视着你。
- Best believe somebody's payin' the pied piper. 寄希望于善开空头支票的诱骗者。
- Mason: Nicole, did the Pied Piper take the children away because he was mad that the town did not pay him? 尼克,是那个吹笛子的人因为没有人付钱给他,他就疯了然后把孩子带走了吗?
- Mason: Nicole, did the Pied Piper take the children away because he was mad that the town didn't pay him? 尼克,是那个吹笛子的人因为没有人付钱给他,他就疯了然后把孩子带走了吗?
- He ran ahead, with the others hard on his heels. 他在前面跑,其他人紧随其後。
- And this pop-star Pan could instead be the Pied Piper, the musician who lured children into a cave as their parents gasped in fright. 而这个流行明星潘可能被”花衣魔笛手“所取代,这是一个能把孩子诱拐进山洞而令家长大惊失色的音乐家。
- He turned on his heel and left the room. 他转过身去,离开了房间。
- Parents watched helplessly as the Pied Piper,playing merrily,led all of Hamelin's youngsters out of town,after which they were never seen again. 父母们无奈地望着彩衣魔笛手吹起了欢快的笛声,带着所有的孩子走出了哈默尔恩镇。人们从此再没见到孩子们的踪影。
- He told me the story about a piper and the lost children. 他给我讲了一个关于吹笛者和丢失的孩子的故事。
- The thief ran off with an angry crowd at his heels. 那小偷在前面跑,一群愤怒的人在後面紧追。
- The car bumped and his forehead hit the glass. 汽车颠簸了一下,他的前额撞到了玻璃上。
- He and his wife seem to be on the outs these days. 他和他的妻子最近似乎感情很不好。
- The Pied Piper's assistant? 或是吹笛手的助理吗?
- He and his political affairs soon went to the bad. 他和他的政治生涯不久便衰败了。