- The Menu Item Editor appears. 出现“菜单项编辑器”。
- A check mark appears next to the menu item when the toolbar is displayed. 当显示工具栏时,紧挨着菜单项出现一个复选标记。
- A string describing the menu item. 描述菜单项的字符串。
- The command identifier of the menu item. 菜单项的命令标识符。
- A check mark appear next to the menu item when the toolbar is display. 当显示工具栏时,紧挨着菜单项出现一个复选标记。
- Gets or sets the description of the menu item for the verb. 获取或设置谓词菜单项的说明。
- That contains the data to draw the background for the menu item. 其中包含用于绘制菜单项背景的数据。
- In the menu, the access key for each menu item is underlined. 在菜单中,每一个菜单项的访问键是带有下划线的字母。
- The other menu item is just as easy to use. 其它的菜单项也同样易于使用。
- Occurs when the menu item is clicked or selected using a shortcut key or access key defined for the menu item. 当单击菜单项或使用为该菜单项定义的快捷键或访问键选择菜单项时发生。
- To use the access key of a menu item, the menu containing the item must be active. 要使用菜单项的访问键,该菜单项所在的菜单必须处于活动状态。
- Drag a Top-level menu item shape to the page and glue it to the left edge of the Menu bar. 将“顶层菜单项”形状拖到页面上,并将其粘附到“菜单栏”的左边缘。
- The menu item has a default smiley-face icon next to the command, which you can change by using one of two methods. 该菜单项在命令旁边有一个默认笑脸图标,您可以通过使用以下两种方法之一更改它。
- A node that contains child nodes is expanded when the cursor hovers over the menu item. 当光标悬停于菜单项上时,将展开该包含子节点的节点。
- This property defines how many back arrow special label characters (<-) are added to the menu item in the MNS file for the menu. 该属性定义了在菜单文件MNS中的菜单项中需要添加的返回箭头(<-)的数量。
- The menu items are all named after rare tropical animals. 餐单上的菜肴都是以热带动物的名称命名的。
- If the menu-label contains an ampersand ('&'), the next character is taken as a hot-key for the menu item. 如果菜单标签包含一个&,那么紧跟着的那个字符就会被作为这个菜单条目的快捷键。
- The action is usually given as a relative URL, relative to the object the menu item is for. 这个活动通常是作为一个相对的URL被指定的,相对于菜单项目所指定的对象。
- The software provides a cool menu, when you moved to a menu item, color change, but the menu interface cool! 该软件提供了一个酷菜单,当你移动到一个菜单项时,颜色发生变化,而且菜单界面很酷!
- He called the waiter to bring the menu. 他叫侍者拿菜单来。