- The October Incident was linked to the Manchurian Incident, although it was poorly planned. 虽然十月政变是个彻头彻尾的失败,但是它还是和满洲里事变有关。
- Why did Japan engineer the Manchurian Incident and then launch the Sino-Japanese War? 为什么日本策划了满洲里事变并发动了日本-支那战争?
- On March 1, 1932, less than six months after the Manchurian Incident, the establishment of Manchukuo as a country was declared. 1932年3月1日,满洲里事变后不到半年所谓的满洲国宣告成立。
- The Manchurian Incident took place as members of the Kwantung Army blew up a section of South Manchuria Railway lines in Liutiaogou (Lake Liutiao), outside Mukden (currently Shenyang). 满洲里事变是从关东军炸毁奉天附近的南满铁路柳条湖一段开始的。
- The Manchurian Incident and the Beginnings of Military Control 满洲事变和军事统治的开始
- The Manchurian Incident 九一八事变
- The Manchurian tigers are very canny. 东北虎极机警。
- Following this so-called Manchurian Incident of 1931, Kwantung Army staff officers quickly forced the creation in early 1932 of a puppet state called Manchukuo. 继1931年的所谓“满洲事变”后,关东军的参谋军官们很快于1932年初强制建立了一个叫做“满洲国”的傀儡政权。
- These cats are also known as the Manchurian or Korean tiger. 这些猫科动物被称为东北虎,或朝鲜虎。
- The Manchurian tiger is the typical forests inhabit animal. 东北虎是典型的林栖动物。
- The incident put her in a bad mood. 这件事使她心情很不好。
- We are in close contact with the Manchurian troops in Sueiyuan province. 我们和绥远省的东北军有着密切的联系。
- Some aging higher officers inherited from the Manchurian days were sacked. 从满洲时代遗留下来的一些年老的高级军官给撤换了。
- The kidnapping caused an international incident. 这一绑架事件引起了国际纠纷。
- The incident will blow over in course of time. 这件事过一段时间就会被忘掉的。
- She couldn't erase the incident from her memory. 她难以忘记那次事件。
- I observed the incident in body. 我亲身目睹了这件事。
- The demonstration passed off without incident. 游行自始至终未发生意外。
- Manchu dynasty was different,it relyed on the Manchurian military and manchurian bureaucrate bloc. 满清则不同,它所依靠的是旗人军事和官僚集团,不是来自于民间的文人官僚集团。
- They began to fraternize with the Manchurian people and then with the 8th Route Army. 他们开始同满洲人民来往,接着又同八路军来往。