- The Law Ruling by Law 论法治之法
- The judge is a key element to the ruling by law, the law must rely on the judge to utilize justly and effectively coming. 摘要法官是法治的核心要素,法律必须依靠法官来公正有效地适用。
- Wu emphasized that since the Republic had been established, ruling by law should be realized, and that law was of paramountcy and that everybody should abide by the law. 伍廷芳强调民国业已成立,必须实行法治,因此法律至上,任何人都要依法办事;
- Choice of the Road of Ruling by Law: Experience or Formation? 法治的道路选择:经验还是建构?
- All citizens of the United Kingdom are ruled by the laws thereof. 英联盟的全体公民都受联盟法律的约束。
- A Historiographic Analysis of the Way of Rule by Law in P.R.C. 新中国法治历程的史学视角分析。
- To reinstate a rule of law: to reestablish rule by law. 恢复或重建法治。
- Role of virtue and rule by law supplement and promote each other. 法治和德治,是相辅相成、相互促进的。
- The role of law in moral building is, as so as morality role in ruling by law. 既要发挥道德在法治建设中的作用,又要发挥法律在道德建设中的作用。
- Machiavelli justified rule by force rather than by law. 马基雅维里的统治力量的理由,而不是法律。
- Those who break the laws must be punished by laws. 违反法律,就必须收到法律的惩罚。
- Insisting on controlling power according to law will refresh the legitimacy foundation of the party in power, meanwhile, party in power mode of thinking and working way should comply with the law of construction ruled by law to change in good time, too. 坚持依法执政将更新党执政的合法性基础,同时党执政的思维方式和工作方式,也要顺应法治建设的规律适时转变。
- Then the ultima aim of Rule by law is to satisfypeople"s desires and demands. 因而,法治在最终目的上是为了人类的欲望与需求。
- Constitutionalism and the Government's ruling by the law are two closely related concepts. 摘要宪政和政府法治是密切相关连的两个概念。
- Ruling by Law is referred to validity and scientificalness of the Party's ruling. 摘要依法执政事关党执政的合法性、科学性;
- What threatens ruling by law in modern society does not come from citizens, but from power itself and power executors. 现代社会对法治的威胁主要不是来自公民个人,而是权力及权力的运用者。
- The realization of ruling by law in rural areas depends on the effective solution of these problems. 中国农村能否实现法治,在很大程度上依赖于这些问题的有效解决。
- Ruling by law demands that the ruling party do not going off the course of ruling by law. 法治作为依法执政的机制保障,要求执政党的一切活动不偏离法治轨道;
- The law provides that these ancient buildings must be preserved. 法律规定,这些古老的建筑应该保存。
- Ruling by law and by benevolent policy is two ways to manage state affairs de jure. 德治与法治的关系,是回答实现依法治国方略的两种手段和方法之间的关系问题。