- That'll distract the judge and the jury from weakness of your case. 它可以分散法官和陪审团的注意力,使他们看不到你论辩中的弱点。
- The Judge and the Victim 法官和受害者
- For I am the judge and discerner of all secrets. 人心的隐私,是我定断,我知道;
- The judge and the jury could not follow the lawyer's illogical argument. 法官和评审团无法认同该律师不合逻辑的推论。
- Due to a police mix- up, the robber go free and the victim is jailed. 由於警察搞混了,小偷逃逸而受害者却入狱了。
- The written judgment shall be signed by the judge and the recording clerk, and sealed by the people's court. 判决书由审判人员、书记员署名,加盖人民法院印章。
- In courts experts under examination and cross-examination submit their results to the scrutiny of the opposing experts and the judge and jury. 在法庭上,在询问和交叉询问下,专家证人提交他们的鉴定结果交给对方专家、法官和陪审团进行详细审查。
- The relationship between the judge and the law is one of key issues of jurisprudence from the juridical perspective. 摘要应该说,法官与法律的关系是以司法为视角进行法学研究时所应当关注的核心问题之一。
- Are the conflict rules facultative or mandatory for the judge and the person concerned? 摘要冲突法对法官和当事人是任意性规范还是具有强制性的拘束力?
- Now you be the judge and say which of us is right. 你来评评谁说得对。
- The conciliation statement shall be signed by the judge and the court clerk, sealed by the people's court, and served on both parties. 调解书由审判人员、书记员署名,加盖人民法院印章,送达双方当事人。
- The bill of mediation shall be signed by the judge and the recording clerk, sealed by the people's court and delivered to the litigants. 调解书由审判人员、书记员署名,加盖人民法院印章,送达双方当事人。
- The judge and litigants are effective,both litigant parties and the judge cooperate to advance litigation in cooperative pattern of litigation. 协同主义诉讼模式中,充分发挥法官与当事人的积极作用,使法官与当事人之间以及当事人相互之间协同推进诉讼。
- It equates between the criminal and the victim. 它同等对待了罪犯和受害者。
- Tom was therefore elevated to a place with the Judge and the other elect, and the great news was announced from headquarters. 于是,汤姆有幸与法官和其他几位贵宾们坐在一起,这个重大的消息就从首脑席上公布于众了。
- The conciliation statement shall be signed by the judge and the court clerk, affixed a seal of the people's court, and served to both parties. 调解书由审判人员、书记员署名,加盖人民法院印章,送达双方当事人。
- To the vilest and most deadly charges Jesus responded with deep, unbroken silence, such as excited the wonder of the judge and the spectators. 对于那些无理的侮辱,不堪的虐待和嘲笑,连旁人都会激起忿怒,可是主始终镇静。
- It includes three aspects: the party of judicial system, the party of the judge and the juror, the party of judicial practice and so on. 它包括特别司法制度的党化、法官和陪审员的党化和审判实践的党化等三个内容。
- And the real hand can steal from the victim's handbag and pockets. 真手能够扒窃受害者的手提包和口袋。
- Thus causing the judge and jury the least amount of boredom. 尽量不使法官和陪审团厌倦的律师。