- The Illustrious Gaudissart 大名鼎鼎的戈迪萨尔
- Later generations pay their respects to the illustrious names. 英名流芳后人敬。
- He replaces the illustrious Neha Viswanathan as South Asia editor. 他接替卓越的Neha Viswanathan,成为南亚的新任编辑。
- Michaelis church and shop at the illustrious Hanse Viertel mall. 酒吧提供下午茶、多种饮品与美味的吧台小吃。
- The illustrious Cuvier did not perceive that a barnacle was a crustacean. 大名鼎鼎的居维叶也未看出藤壶是一种甲壳动物。
- Behind the presumptuous General loomed the illustrious Marshal Petain. 在这位跋扈的将军背后隐然可见很有名气的贝当元帅的身影。
- These guys were the illustrious guardians of the Ford Motor Company. 这些董事们是福特汽车公司声名显赫的保护人。
- Dido received the illustrious exiles with friendliness and hospitality. 狄多友好而殷勤地接待这些著名的漂泊者。
- Sun Jian in with the help of the illustrious military exploits the way troops. 在孙坚的帮助下,这一路部队战功显赫。
- We raced to the soda machine to see if our bottle had a cap with the illustrious star on the inside. 我们跑向自动售饮料机,想看看我们的瓶盖内面上有没有亮星星。
- Oh. The illustrious Jabba bids you welcome and will gladly pay you the reward of twentyfive thousand. 伟大的贾巴大王十分欢迎你并且愿意付你两万五千赏金
- They were jubilant with vanity over their new grandeur and the illustrious trouble they were making. 他们想到自己新得的荣耀,想到给镇里人惹的响当当的麻烦,感到心满意足高兴极了。
- By is, the truth took one kind of happy social condition had the strength which the critique realistic and the illustrious person advances boldly. 由是,真理作为一种美好的社会状态而具有了批判现实和昭人奋进的力量。
- The Best Of Me features 15 of the very best songs from the illustrious career of Bryan Adams. 最好的特点,我15最美好的歌曲,从显赫生涯布莱恩亚当斯。
- Grandfather horse General Borrow has the illustrious military exploits in the war neutrality. 祖父马博罗将军在战争中立有赫赫战功。
- Guide the illustrious Inspector Jacques Lamont as he gets on the tail of these rascals. 但现在,她想获得某种形式的新体验!
- And so it seems obvious that all poets have the right to use the illustrious vernacular. 因此诗人有权力使用高贵的方言,这似乎显而易见。
- RinkSkaky: The illustrious buy Viagra (unhappy pill) from Pfizer, it is a treatment as a r... 第一个邮箱就是网易的,不过现在很少用...
- After being released from custody, President Chen's son-in-law, the illustrious Zhao Jianming, felt no shame and showed no regret. 陈总统的女婿,了不得的赵建铭从看所守释放出来丝毫没有羞愧与悔意。
- M. Cavalcanti, his father, had been seen in Paris, and it was expected that he would re-appear to claim the illustrious outcast. 他的父亲卡瓦尔康蒂先生曾在巴黎露过面,大家认为他会再来保护这个闻名遐迩的儿子。