- Human genome project is expected to decipher the genetic codes in the human cell. 人们寄希望于人类基因组计划能破解人类细胞中所隐含的遗传密码。
- The Human Genome Project has several objectives. 人类基因组计划有若干目标。
- The launching point is when the human Genome Project is complete. 新领域的登基时刻就在人类基因组工程完成之时。
- Does the Human Genome Project affect the moral standards of society? 人类基因组计划是否影响社会的道德标准呢?
- He confronts Darwin daily in his work as head of the human genome project. 作为人类基因工程的负责人,他在工作当中每天都要和达尔文的理论打交道。
- The Human Genome Project (HGP) has made great progress in ten years. 人类基因组计划(HGP)经过10年的实施,已取得巨大成果。
- The Human Genome Project gae us the instruction manual for building a human. 人类基因组计划给我们提供了建造人类的指导手册。
- A seemingly harmless collection of information from the advancement of the Human Genome Project. 从人类基因组计划的进步中获取的信息表面看来是无害的。
- The major events of genetic history are important to the Human Genome Project because the structure and most of the project deals with genetics. 遗传史上的重大事件对于人类基因组计划有重要意义,因为计划的结构和大部分内容涉及遗传学。
- Human genome project is expected to decipher the genetic codes in the human cells . 人们寄希望於人类基因组计画能破解人类细胞中所隐含的遗传密码
- During the 1990s, he also served as the first chief of the Human Genome Project. 在20世纪90年代,他同时还是人类基因工程的第一任领导。
- The Human Genome Project is inspiring, particularly the new avenues in genetic testing it's opened up. 人类的基因工程计划很鼓舞人心,尤其在基因检测方面开辟了一条康庄大道。
- For the dirty secret of the Human Genome Project is that knowing the genes alone is of limited value. 因为人类基因组计划(HGP)的晦暗秘密使单独了解基因只有有限的价值。
- Any attempt to resolve moral issues involving new information from the Human Genome Project requires direct, clear, and total understanding of common morality. 想要解决涉及人类基因组计划新信息的道德问题,必须对普遍道德观有一个直接的、清晰的、总体的了解。
- Human Genome Project(HGP)has great influence on the human life,but it s influence is limited. 人类基因组计划(HGP)对人类生活的冲击不可谓不大,但还是有限的。
- Tools emerging from the human genome project hae enabled the identification of these susceptibility genes. 自从人类遗传组学出现以后,已经有办法鉴别那些易患基因。
- The human genome project has raised many ethical, legal and social issues that are just beginning to be tackled. 人类基因组计划引起了许多关于道德、法律和社会问题的争论。
- Human genome project is expected to decipher the genetic codes in the human cells. 人们寄希望於人类基因组计画能破解人类细胞中所隐含的遗传密码。
- Discovering the DNA differences that matter is one of the most important pieces of unfinished, business for the human genome project. 发现DNA差异是人类基因组工程未完成工作的最重要的一个部分。
- The Human Genome Project last summer enumerated 3 billion letters of the human genome, a gold mine of raw data for countless medical breakthroughs. 去年夏天人类基因组计划(HGP)计算出人类基因组有30亿个字母,这些基本资料对无数医学突破简直就是一座金矿。