- Salt plays an important part in the function of the body. 盐在调节身体的机能方面扮演着重要的角色。
- The function of the ear is to listen. 耳的功能是听。
- The function of an adjective is to describe or add to the meaning of a noun. 形容词的作用是描述或增加名词的意思。
- The function of the artist is to disturb the still. 艺术家的作用是去打破平静。
- The function of the albumen cells is not known. 白蛋白细胞的功能尚不清楚。
- What is the function of a cat's claw? 猫爪的作用是什么?
- The function of cargo agency service is to make a logistic network of all kinds of entrepreneurs and professional services, in order to form scale economy. 货运代理服务作用在于把各类企业和各项专业服务织成物流网络,形成规模经济。
- Define and describe the function of a MAC address. 定义MAC地址并描述其功能。
- How to shut off the function of defrosting? 怎样关闭化霜功能?
- What is the function of a Layer 2 switch? 层2开关的功能是什么?
- What is the function of a cosine phase shifter? 与弦移相器有什么用处?
- What's the function of a chairman at a meeting? 会议主席的作用是什么?
- What's the function of the heart? 心脏的功能是什么?
- The function of circuit was verified by Verilog-XL. 整个电路的功能通过了Verilog-XL的仿真.
- The function of a background is to set off. 背景的作用在乎衬托。
- What is the function of this artiste birthday list? 这个艺人生日表有什么长处?
- The function of the transformers is to change electric power from one voltage to another. 变压器的功用就是把电力从一种电压改变为加一种电压。
- In Schumpeter's view, the function of the entrepreneur was innovation. 熊彼得认为,企业家的职能是革新。
- What is the function of the prepositional phrase? 这个介词短语的作用是什么?
- The Function of Entrepreneur 企业家职能