- He was the fool of the family and the one who listened to tales. 他是家里最傻气、最轻信别人瞎话的男孩子。
- The company declared a large dividend at the end of the year. 公司在年底宣布分发高额股息。
- It was named the best documentary of the year. 它被选为这一年最优秀的文献记录片。
- Summer is the hottest season of the year. 夏天是一年里最热的季节。
- Diana is nothing but a fool of the firstwater. 黛安娜只不过是个大傻瓜而已。
- He get a tax rebate at the end of the year. 他在年底得到了一笔退回的税款。
- You are the investigator without knowledge, the magistrate without jurisdiction, and all in all, the fool of the farce. 你是没有知识的探索者,没有管辖权的官吏,总而言之,你是滑稽戏中的小丑。
- She spent the whole of the year in hospital. 她住院住了整整一年了。
- Business is quiet at this time of the year. 一年中的这个时候生意很淡。
- February is the second month of the year. 二月是一年的第二个月份。
- She was designated sportswoman of the year. 她被指定为本年度的体坛明星。
- November is the penultimate month of the year. 十一月份是一年中倒数的第二个月。
- December is the last month of the year. 十二月是一年的最后一个月份。
- The first month of the year in the Jewish calendar. 提市黎日犹太教历中一年的第一个月份
- Diana is nothing but a fool of the first water. 黛安娜只不过是个大傻瓜而已。
- Now they are ready to put to sea for the first catch of the year. 现在他们己为今年第一次捕鱼做好出海准备。
- He has worked off a large bank loan by the end of the year. 年底时,他已经还清了一大笔银行贷款。
- The Fool of the Year 年度傻瓜
- The feeling deepened with the passing of the years. 这种感觉一年一年地加深了。
- You'll be attached to this department until the end of the year. 你在年底前将暂属於这一部门。