- Family planning is also advocated among the ethnic minorities. 对少数民族,国家也实行计划生育。
- The Hani ethic group is one of the ethnic minorities in China. 哈尼族是中国的一个少数民族。
- The state safeguards the freedom of the ethnic minorities to utilize and develop their own languages. 国家保障少数民族使用和发展本民族语言文字的自由。
- The right of the ethnic minorities to participate on an equal footing in state administration is guaranteed. 各少数民族平等参与管理国家的权利得到充分保障。
- The Dulong ethnicity is one of the ethnic minorities of China. 独龙族是我国的少数民族之一。
- Kazak, one of the ethnic minorities in the northwest of China, has its own unique folk custom. 哈萨克族作为中国西北边陲的一支少数民族,同样也有着其独特的民俗文化。
- Public campaigns to promote social inclusion of the ethnic minorities were organized. 为促进少数族裔的共融,我们也组织了一连串的公众活动。
- Huang Zhou liked to paint the life of the ethnic minorities in northwest China:the Uygurs, the Kazaks and the Tibetans. 黄胄习惯画西北少数民族的生活。他笔下有维吾尔族、哈萨克族、藏族等。
- Guizhou is a multi-ethnic province, in which the culture is the ethnic minorities' root. 摘要贵州是一个多民族聚居的省份,文化是一个民族的根。
- I’m one of the ethnic minorities in China,while our country has never done anything to encroach on my human rights. 我就是一个少数民族,但是我们国家从来没有做过任何损害到我人权的事情。
- She named this report on the customs of the ethnic minorities of the border "The Borderline Travel Notes". 她把这次关于边疆民族风情的采风报告定名为《封疆纪行》。
- The dyeing of the ethnic minorities has high scientific level and made precious contribution to the Chinese costumes technology. 少数民族印染工艺具有很高的科学水平,为中国服饰工艺做出了宝贵的历史贡献;
- In the chapter on wolf image and totemism, it was elaborated that the wolf is the totem of not only the ethnic minorities but also the entire Chinese nation. 狼形象与图腾崇拜一节中论述了狼不仅是少数民族的图腾神物,他也是整个中华民族的图腾神物,一方面中华民族是个民族聚居的大家庭,游牧民族也是中华民族重要的一部分;
- Based on data from the 1% sampling survey in 2005 and the existing population censuses, this paper analyzes the population distribution and its changes of the ethnic minorities. 摘要本文基于2005年全国1%25抽样调查数据,并结合历次人口普查资料,综合分析了我国少数民族人口分布及其变动趋势。
- The ethnic minorities in the autonomous areas are entitled to use and develop their own languages, keep or reform their folk customs, and be free in their religious beliefs. 民族自治地方的各民族都有使用和发展自己的语言文字的自由,有保持或者改革自己的风俗习惯的自由,并依法享有宗教信仰自由。
- The Ethnic Minorities Exhibition epitomizes the textile technology and costume culture of some ethnic minorities in the form of real collections, pictures, scenes and multimedia. 本馆通过实物、图片、场景和多媒体相结合的方式,展示了部分少数民族的纺织工艺和服饰风貌。
- According to the records concerned,the ethnic minorities had skillfully mastered the embroidery technology and the apparel embroidery techniques were very popular. 根据有关记载,少数民族很早以前就已经能熟练掌握刺绣工艺,服饰刺绣工艺的流行极为广泛。
- The life of ethnic minorities has improved greatly. 少数民族人民生活明显改善。
- Attacks against ethnic minorities are on the rise. 针对少数民族的袭击行为正在增加。
- The practice of regional autonomy not only ensures the rights of the ethnic minorities to exercise autonomy as masters of their homelands, but also upholds the unification of the state. 实行民族区域自治,既保障了少数民族当家作主的自治权利,又维护了国家的统一;