- The Dutchman loves peace. 荷兰人喜欢和平。
- The Dutchman loves peace 荷兰人喜欢和平。
- People all over the world love peace. 全世界的人民都热爱和平。
- The peoples the world over love peace. 全世界人民都热爱和平.
- In the second half, the Dutchman was at it again. 下半场,博拉鲁兹还是这样。
- All those who love peace are strongly against arms race. 所有爱好和平的人都强烈反对军备竞赛。
- As been well known, we love peace and hate invasion. 众所周知,我们热爱和平,憎恨侵略。
- Whether they are orientals or occidentals, they all love peace. 不管是东方人还是西方人,他们都爱和平。
- The Chinese are praised for loving peace. 中国人以爱好和平见称。
- The whole Chinese nation loves peace. 整个中华民族都热爱和平。
- We love peace but we are not afraid of war. 我们热爱和平,但我们也不怕战争。
- The Dutchman began to think it was getting beyond a joke. 荷兰人开始认为这事不足闹着玩儿的了。
- Each and every one of us loves peace and freedom. 我们当中的每个人都热爱和平与自由。
- At midnight, the Dutchman came within site of the graveyard. 午夜时分,这个荷兰人进入了公墓地界。
- As been well known,we love peace and hate invasion. 众所周知,我们热爱和平,憎恨侵略。
- The Dutchman thought it a grand chance to give the fellow the slip. 荷兰人想,这可是甩掉那个家伙的大好时机。
- As is well known,we love peace and hate invasion. 众所周知,我们热爱和平,憎恨侵略。
- The Dutchman Abel Tasman named the islands New Zealand in 1642. 1642年荷兰人亚伯塔斯曼把这些岛屿命名为新西兰。
- We love peace ,but we are not afraid of war . 我们热爱和平,但我们不害怕战争。
- Quizzed on the Dutchman, Benitez said: "I think he's doing well. 至于对荷兰人的看法,贝尼特斯说:“我认为他干得很不错。