- Through the exile, the wandering and the angst, he created The Divine Comedy -- divided into Hell, Purgatory and Paradise -- a poem many consider the greatest ever written. 在流放、游荡和痛苦中,他创作了《神曲》,这部被很多人视为有史以来最伟大的诗篇分为《地狱》、《炼狱》和《天堂》三部。
- a woman who guided Dante through Paradise in The Divine Comedy. 《神曲》中引导但丁通过天堂的女人。
- a woman who guided Dante through Paradise in The Divine Comedy 《神曲》中引导但丁通过天堂的女人
- The Biblical Strategy of Discourse in The Divine Comedy 《神曲》的圣经言说策略
- Alas, it was not a divine comedy for Pomona. 可惜的是,它不是一个神曲为波莫纳大学。
- "A man, too, who could boast of Dante for a genealogist, and could reckon back to the Divine Comedy." “他是但丁给他写过家谱,在《神曲》里有案可查呀。”
- People used to believe in the divine right. 过去人们相信君权神授。
- Should Deny The Divine Destiny of The Destinies! 反抗命运之神的命运!
- Oh, they are going to worship the divine tree now. 哦,应该是要去祭神树吧。
- Religion is belief in the divine. 宗教是对神的信仰。
- "Perhaps trying to convince the world that his epic poem, the Divine Comedy, is not just for Ivy League intellectuals but for the common man and woman on life's journey." 这或许是为了向世人证明,但丁的史诗《神曲》并不仅仅是写给长青藤联盟的学者看的,同样也适合跋涉在生命旅程中的普通男女。
- "Through the exile, the wandering and the angst, he created The Divine Comedy -- divided into Hell, Purgatory and Paradise -- a poem many consider the greatest ever written." 在流放、游荡和痛苦中,他创作了《神曲》,这部被很多人视为有史以来最伟大的诗篇分为《地狱》、《炼狱》和《天堂》三部。
- People used to believe in the divine right of kings. 过去人们相信君权神授。
- Tis the Divine Comedy 这是神的喜剧
- He made some pictures of the divinities of Hinduism. 他画了几幅印度教中的神像。
- The Divine Comedy 神曲
- The divine ordering of worldly affairs. 天意神安排的世俗事
- The divine nature is that I must go around the sun. 地球绕著太阳运行,不是相反。
- He hated the lust but admired the divine in men. 他憎恶人的肉欲,欣赏人性中神圣的一面。