- Three Subjects About The Custom of New Year's Eve In China And Korea 中韩元夕民俗三题
- The custom of visiting friends,relatives and neighbors is one of the popular activities on New Year's Day. 看望朋友、亲戚和邻居的风俗是新年各种常见活动之一。
- In line with the custom of the school,the students had a holiday between Christmas and New Year's Day. 按照学校的惯例,圣诞节至新年之间学生放假。
- "Nian" was thus subdued, and the custom of celebrating the lunar New Year was passed down from then. “年”被制服了。但庆贺农历新年的习俗却流传下来,一直到现在。
- In line with the custom of the school, the students had a holiday between Christmas and New Year's Day. 按照学校的惯例,圣诞节至新年之间学生放假。
- The Custom of New Year 新年的习俗
- By the custom of many manors one shall lose copyhold if he claims it not within a year and a day after the death of his ancestor. 根据许多采邑的习惯法,继承人对被继承人已登记在册的不动产所有权,如不在其死后1年内提出要求,就将自动丧失。
- What is the date of new year's day? 新年是哪一天?
- They keep to the custom of having their marriages only in May. 他们固守传统,只在五月举行婚礼。
- Do you retain the custom of saying grace? 伯伯保持饭前饭後作祷告的习惯吗?
- Thus began the custom of writing on Easter eggs. 于是就开始了在复活节彩蛋上写字的习俗。
- The stage reflects the custom of the time. 戏剧反映一个时代的习俗。
- He assumed the customs of his new country. 他接受了异国的风俗习惯。
- Maybe it's because of New Year Resolutions. 可能是因为过年的决议。
- She has the custom of reading before bed. 她有睡前读书的习惯。
- Choose a suit of New Year clothes for myself. 为我自己也选上一套新年衣服吧!
- Conform to the custom of the land. 入国随俗。
- Tomorrow,the bell of New Year will be knolled. 明天,新年的钟声将会敲响。
- It is the custom of foreigners to do so. 这种做法是外国人的习惯。
- The travel has acquainted us with the customs of other lands. 这次旅行使我们了解了其他土地上的风土人情。