- The Chinese dialect of Peking. 北京语一种北京的中国方言
- The Minnan dialect of Chinese spoken on Taiwan. 台湾方言台湾所讲的中国闽南方言
- On July 7,1937,the Japanese invading forces attacked the Chinese garrison at Lukouchiao,some ten kilometres southwest of Peking. 一九三七年七月七日,日军在距北京城十余公里的卢沟桥向中国驻军进攻。
- The dialect of French spoken by these people. 瓦龙语瓦龙人讲的法语方言
- Although Singlish is a sign of greater interaction among the ethnic as well as the Chinese dialect groups,its widespread use has been a bad influence on the young who are quick to master it instead of proper English. 新加坡式英语是一种现象,表明不仅各华族方言群体之间,而且各种族之间,都有了更多的交往。尽管如此,它的广泛流传对年青人已起了不良影响,他们很快对新加坡式英语朗朗上口,却不去掌握标准英语。
- The Germanic dialect of the Alemanni. 日耳曼方言阿勒曼尼人使用的日耳曼方言
- Although Singlish is a sign of greater interaction among the ethnic as well as the Chinese dialect groups, its widespread use has been a bad influence on the young who are quick to master it instead of proper English. 新加坡式英语是一种现象,表明不仅各华族方言群体之间,而且各种族之间,都有了更多的交往。尽管如此,它的广泛流传对年青人已起了不良影响,他们很快对新加坡式英语朗朗上口,却不去掌握标准英语。
- The ancient or modern Greek dialect of Cyprus. 塞浦路斯语塞浦路斯古代或现代的希腊方言
- The dialect of Ojibwa spoken by the Ottawa. 奥塔瓦语奥塔瓦人的语言,属奥吉瓦语的方言
- West of Peking, the builders struck sticky clay. 在北京西边,修筑者们碰到了粘土。
- The modern dialect of Arabic spoken in Iraq. 伊拉克所用的阿拉伯语现代方言
- Afterwards, the teachers and students of Peking University actively participated in the democratic revolution, socialist revolution and socialist construction led by the Chinese Communist Party, and they made indelible contributions to the country. 其后,北大师生积极参加中国共产党领导的民主革命、社会主义革命和社会主义建设,做出了不可磨灭的贡献。
- A dialect of French spoken by the Acadians. 阿卡迪亚语阿卡迪亚人所说的法语方言
- The dialect of ancient Greek used in Arcadia. 阿卡迪亚语在阿卡迪亚使用的古希腊方言
- The dialect of English spoken by Geordies. 北英格兰语北英格兰人说的英语方言
- The English language is not allied to the Chinese. 英语与汉语不属于同一语系。
- As dialects of still unknown affinity, Aboriginal Chinese dialects of Northern Guangdong (Yuebei Tuhua, YBTH) is a language treasure trove to be exploited further. 粤北土话作为分布在广东省北部地区的一群归属未明的汉语方言,是一块有待于进一步开发的语言宝库。
- The Chinese eat with chopsticks. 中国人用筷子吃饭。
- The immigrants spoke an odd dialect of English. 移民们说着一种带古怪方言口音的英语。
- Taiwan is an inalienable part of the Chinese territory. 台湾是中国领土不可分割的一部分。