- In Central Asia indeed she reached much farther, extending at last, through tributary Turkish tribes, to Persia and the Caspian Sea. 实际上她在中亚的势力范围延伸得更远,穿过从属的土耳其部落,最后到达波斯和里海。
- Later, on the basis of local lithic culture, the iron and bronze cultures of Central Asia all absorbed elements from Indo-Europeans who migrated from the north shore of the Black Sea and Caspian Sea. 以后,中亚青铜时代文化和铁器文化在本地石器文化的基础上,都加入了从黑海和里海北岸迁徙来的印欧种人的因素。
- Maybe the central ex-soviet republics in the whole area right up to the caspian sea would be more like mongolia or tibet instead of islamic. 也许前苏联到里海的那一带会更像蒙古或是西藏,而不是伊斯兰的样子吧。
- The Caspian Sea Legal Status and the Geopolitics Strategy for Central Asia 里海法律地位问题与中亚地缘战略
- You won the Central Asia geography bee but have yet to go there yourself. 你赢得了中亚地理的聚会但仍然想自己一个人去。
- American Energy Strategy in the Caspian Sea of Central Asia after Cold War and Choice of Chinese Energy Strategy 冷战后美国的中亚里海能源战略与中国能源战略的选择
- If Africa was the birth place of humanity then the Central Asia was its nursery. 如果非洲是人类诞生地方然后中亚是它的托儿所。
- The Central Asia mainly points Kazakhstan, Tadzhikistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan. 中亚地区主要指哈萨克斯坦、吉尔吉斯斯坦、土库曼斯坦、塔吉克斯坦、乌兹别克斯坦五个国家。
- Another sub-group moved to the Central Asian grasslands, scattered in areas from Central Asia to Kashi, and joined the Karluk and Yagma peoples in founding the Karahan Kingdom. 还有一支迁往中亚草原,分布在中亚至喀什一带,与葛逻禄、样磨等民族一起建立了喀喇汗王朝。
- Progress made in the Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation-Horgos in Xinjiang is becoming a bridgehead for trade between China and Central Asia. 中亚区域经济合作取得进展,新疆霍尔果斯成为中国面向中亚的贸易桥头堡。
- Another sub-group moved to the Central Asian grasslands,scattered in areas from Central Asia to Kashi,and joined the Karluk and Yagma peoples in founding the Karahan Kingdom. 还有一支迁往中亚草原,分布在中亚至喀什一带,与葛逻禄、样磨等民族一起建立了喀喇汗王朝。
- Nestorianism,the heretic sect of the Christianity, having been persecuted in the Byzantine Empire, was spread into Persia and the Central Asia, and further into China. 景教是产生于拜占庭帝国境内叙利亚地方的基督教异端,它在受到东正教会打击后向东传播,进入波斯、中亚并扩展到中国境内。
- Although Yu-hong, a Zoroastrian from the Western region or the Central Asia, became a Chinese deeply in culture, he had not changed his religious belief in all his life. 虞弘是来自西域或中亚的祅教徒,虽然汉化较深,但终生未改其宗,墓中石椁图像应是他所信仰的宗教文化特征的反映。
- The Caspian Sea is a inland sea locked and locate between Asia and Europe. 里海位于洲与欧洲之间,是一被地封了的内陆海。
- Buses leave the central bus depot every hour. 每个小时都有公共汽车离开公共汽车中心站。
- Make sure the central heating is off. 集中供暖设备一定要关掉。
- The second one is Turkmenistan in Central Asia. 第二个国家是在中亚的土库曼斯坦。
- What's the central thought of this article? 这篇文章的中心思想是什么?
- The train leaves the central station at14:15. 火车14点15分离开中央车站。
- The Turkmen shore along the Caspian Sea is 1768 km long. 土库曼沿海岸里海1768公里长。