- That was a bad play, Bill.We lost the account. 那个计划太糟了,比尔。我们亏本了。
- That was a bad place to go striking. You might have broken your leg. 到那个地方去滑雪很危险。你可能会把腿摔断的。
- What it appears that it would seem that was a bad thing that Communism came into China. 好像是一件坏事情,共产党到中国来。
- That was a fine meal if ever there was one! 那确实是一顿丰盛的饭。
- That was a moment that I shall never forget. 那个时刻我永远不会忘记。
- That was a pretty dumb thing to do. 那件事干得可真蠢。
- That was a pretty low-down trick to play! 玩弄那套伎俩真可耻!
- That was a really creepy coincidence. 那样的巧合实在太离奇了。
- That was a scurvy trick to play on an old lady. 用那样的花招欺负一个老太太,可真卑鄙。
- That was a cracking shot he played. 他这一下打得妙极了。
- Bill had a bad day in school yesterday. He lost his knife on the way home, then he fell down, and when he broke a shoe lace, that was the last straw and he began to cry. 比尔昨天上学很不愉快。在回家的路上丢了小刀,而且又跌倒,最后当他弄断鞋带时,他就再也忍不住地哭了起来。
- That was a rotten thing to do, you skunk! 那种事做得太缺德了,你这卑鄙的家伙!
- That was a cheap shot. You know it isn't true. 那是恶意中伤。你知道那不是真的。
- That was a wound to the child's pride. 那是对孩子自尊心的伤害。
- That was a very childish remark. 这话真是太幼稚了。
- That was a pretty brainless thing to do. 那样做很愚蠢。
- That was a shock I need a stiff drink! 这可真吓人--我得喝点烈酒了。
- I was down at the Lilan Station at 30,I guess that was a bad time to travel.When a train pulled in I was simply swept in by the rush of people from behind. 我是在尼兰站30乘的车。我想那是一个糟糕的乘车时间,车进站了,我是被后面的人流挤进去的。
- That was a close thing! I was nearly run down by the car. 那真是千钩一发啊!我差点被那车给压了。
- I was down at the Lilan Station at 30, I guess that was a bad time to travel.When a train pulled in I was simply swept in by the rush of people from behind. 我是在尼兰站30乘的车。我想那是一个糟糕的乘车时间,车进站了,我是被后面的人流挤进去的。