- That truck bumped our car . 那辆卡车撞了我们的汽车。
- That truck bumped our car. 那辆卡车碰撞了我们的汽车。
- The truck bumped our car. 那辆卡车撞了我们的车子。
- Our car just managed to clear the truck. 我们的汽车成功地越过货车。
- The truck bumped into a huge rock. 卡车猛撞在一块大岩石上。
- The truck bumped along the dirt road. 卡车在土路上颠簸着前进。
- Our car skidded into a head- on crash with a truck. 我们的车子与一部卡车正面相撞。
- That truck driver up ahead sure is a road hog. 就在前面的那个卡车司机的确是个蛮横的司机。
- Our car stalled on the brow of a steep hill. 我们的汽车在山顶陡坡处抛锚了。
- Our car is over against the building. 我们的汽车就在楼前。
- Our car was sandwiched in between two trucks. 我们的汽车被两辆卡车夹在中间。
- They dumped all sacks from that truck. 他们从这辆卡车里卸载了所有的麻袋。
- This freight is too heavy for that truck. 对那辆卡车来说这个负担太重了。
- We (ie Our car) broke down on the motorway. 我们(的汽车)在高速公路上抛锚了。
- That truck purred along the road. 那辆卡车一路呜呜地开着。
- Our car bowled along on the smooth country road. 我们的车快而稳地行驶在乡间平坦的公路上。
- Do you think our car is maintainable? 你认为我们的车可维修吗?
- Our car had a breakdown on the road. 我们的汽车在路上拋锚了。
- Our car is on the second floor of a multistorey car park. 我家的车停放在多层停车场的第三层。
- I can not believe what a road hog that truck driver be. 我无法相信这个卡车司机竟会如此横行霸道。