- That raised hackles in Germany. 但这立马激怒了德国。
- It is not the clothes that raise hackles, but specifying their source. 招致指责的原因不是在于衣服本身,而是他们这么做的动机。
- It is against this backdrop that the new government's review of the Futenma accord raised hackles in Washington. 正是在此背景下,民主党政府重新审查普天间基地搬迁的协议激怒了美国政府。
- But the television shows raised hackles in China and Hong Kong, where viewers supporting China's claims to Koguryo crossed swords in cyberspace with those defending South Korea's position. 过去的半年,三家韩国的电视台制作了关于高句丽历史问题的韩剧在国内外播放,有奔跑的骏马,争辩的法庭,和剑斗。
- In Germany, shop shut on Saturday afternoon. 在德国,每星期六的下午停止营业。
- He sent his son away to school in Germany. 他把儿子送往德国念书。
- Hitler tried to liquidate the Jews in Germany. 希特勒试图全部消灭德国的犹太人。
- It is untrue that I or anybody else in Germany wanted war in 1939. 说我或者其他任何德国人在1939年要战争,是不真实的。
- Nothing in Germany happens that he does not approve and know about. 德国的事务他没有不管的,也没有不知道的。
- The name of the task that raised the event. 引发该事件的任务的名称。
- Karl Marx was born in Germany, and German was his native language. 卡尔马克思生于德国,德语是他的本族语。
- Gets the name of the file that raised the event. 获取引发事件的文件的名称。
- The hot dog did not originate in the United States, but in Germany. 热狗不是起源于美国,而是德国。
- It was the timing that raised eyebrows. 正是时间节点问题引起了一阵唏嘘。
- During the postwar years in Germany, many honors were given to Einstein. 在战后的岁月里,爱因斯坦在德国得到了很多荣誉。
- Some changes are raising hackles. 许多变化不免犯了众怒。
- Yuji: I wish that we will become well known in Germany. 我希望我们在德国会越来越红!
- Mr Gonzales raised hackles from the first because he was so close to the White House. 而冈萨雷斯与白宫关系如此亲密,因此一开始在国会就犯了众怒。
- It was this pair of shoes that raised blisters on my feet. 就是这双鞋把我的脚磨起了水泡。
- In Germany the baroque style of art flourished in the 17th and 18th centuries. 在德国,巴罗克艺术风格在17和18世纪非常盛行。