- Thus, there is nothing to be found in a beehive that is not submerged in a bee. 因此,我们在蜂箱中发现的一切,都潜藏在蜜蜂的个体之中。
- That is entirely correct and we have nothing to add to it. 这是完全正确的,我们对此也没有任何的增加。
- It is around because there is nothing to replace it, that is, nothing convenient and comfortably familiar. 因为没有东西要代替它,也就是说,所以它在附近,无方便和安乐熟悉。
- Erroneous views may crop up during discussions, but that is nothing to be afraid of. 讨论当中可能会出来一些错误的意见,也不可怕。
- Erroneous views may crop up during discussions,but that is nothing to be afraid of. 讨论当中可能会出来一些错误的意见,也不可怕。
- You discover that there is nothing to discover. You are what you are and that is all. 你会发现没啥好发现。你就是你,谨此而矣。
- And there is nothing we do that is worth bragging about. 我们做了什么又何足夸耀?
- The argument is nothing to do with whether we should get more maternity leave from Madame Papandreou than from Madame Thatcher. That is not the issue. 至于帕潘德里欧夫人给我们的产假是否会比撒切尔夫人给的长,这不是本次争辩的议题。
- Nothing is capable of being well set to music that is not nonsense. 倘非荒唐无稽,没有一样东西能够好儿地谱成曲子。
- Try to wear a colour that is less obtrusive. 尽量穿得颜色别太显眼。
- But that is nothing as compared with the Umayyad Mosque. 但是看到了大马士革大清真寺之后,这些就不值一提了。
- That is the only way to water down its influence. 这是冲淡它的影响的唯一办法。
- The only way to do that is to reduce expenses. 做到这一点的唯一办法是减少开支。
- At any rate that is believed to be the case. 不管怎样,大家相信情况就是这样。
- Come at any time that is convenient to you. 你哪会儿方便就哪会儿来吧。
- In a sense, the anti-christ is nothing other than a soul schism of All That Is. 在某种意义上,反基督灵魂除了是一切万有灵魂的分裂体外,什么也不是。
- That isn't in line with my ideas at all. 那跟我的想法完全不一致。
- That is, if the rumour is nothing more than an unsubstantiated smear. 这些传闻只是些不真实的诽谤。
- I am 22, that is to say, I was born in 1975. 我今年22岁了,也就是说,我是 1975年出生的。
- Some conditions here are not so satisfactory at the moment. But that is nothing serious,because they will gradually improve. 现在我们有些条件还不怎么好,这不要紧,以后会逐步改善。