- One that is exactly like another; a counterpart. 成对的一方确实与另一个相似的人或物; 相应物
- Because that is my intention for 2008:sex in my own car *laughs*! 因为这是我在2008的目标:在我自己的车上性爱(笑)!
- Honest to God,that is exactly what she said! 真的,那确实是她所说的!
- One that is exactly like another;a counterpart. 成对的一方确实与另一个相似的人或物;相应物
- And that is exactly what happened. 他们确实这样做了。
- Honest to God, that is exactly what she said! 真的,那确实是她所说的!
- ROFL! That is exactly what I was thinking. 笑死我了!这正是我想说的。
- That is exactly what BIAB does for you! 那就是BIAB为你做的事!
- That is exactly what I have come all the way here for. 这就是我一路赶来此地的目的。
- That is exactly what I wanted to talk to you about, Susan. 这正是我想要跟你谈的, susan。
- That is exactly the question which I expected you to ask. 我料到你会问出这样的话来的。
- "That is exactly what I should have supposed of you," said Elizabeth. “我猜想得一点儿不错,”伊丽莎白说。
- Over time and as we have learned to attune our ascension in a way that is able to succeed I have added to my intention accordingly. 随着时间的过去,当我们已经学会将提升把握到能够成功的方式中的时候,我就相应把它们增加到我的意愿当中。
- That is exactly the intention of a study led by John Stein, a professor of neuroscience at Oxford University, that is about to start in three British prisons. 这正是牛津大学精神学教授约翰·史坦因所要研究的课题,而且也将马上在三所英国监狱进行实地研究。
- No one likes to be questioned like a suspect in a lineup, yet that is exactly what our software often does. 没有用户愿意像审判席上的嫌疑犯那样被人质疑,然而这正是我们的软件通常要求我们做的。
- And that is exactly what we have done when we neutralize geopathic lines with the help of the devas and elementals. 当我们在提婆和四大元素的帮助下压制风水线时,我们所做的一切应是严密正确的。
- I'm afraid that is exactly the problem with your dictation, never trying to make sense of what you hear. 我认为,你听写的问题在于不去理解所听的内容。
- Chapman That is one talented dog! Y'know, this is exactly the kind of dog that could have a future in television. 这真是一只聪明的狗!大家知道,就是这种狗在电视行业一定会有很好的发展。
- That is exactly the way I wanted it! Do you think that this sheep will have to have a great deal of grass? 这正是我想要的,你说这只羊需要很多草吗?
- However, that is exactly why the non-politicization of the Olympic Games must be emphasized. 这也是强调奥运会非政治化的原因。