- That custom has died out. 这种风俗已绝迹了。
- He thought the custom had died out a long time ago. 他认为这个习俗很久以前就消失了。
- This custom had died out by the end of the 12th century. 到十二世纪末这一风俗已不复存在了。
- Many old customs have died out. 许多旧的风俗已不复存在。
- That custom has been carried down from the 15th century. 那个习俗是从15世纪传下来的。
- I think the Battery has died out. 我想电池逐渐没电了。
- Some animals here have died out. 这里有些动物已经灭绝了.
- He had discovered that this noble family had died out and were forgotten. 他发现了这个高贵的家族已全部绝灭并且被人们所遗忘。
- "What has happened is that customers have migrated over to Rimini Street during this time. “发生了什么事,就是顾客在已移居到里米尼街在这段时间。
- With the development of transport and the building of new factories,many of the traditional crafts have died out. 随着交通的发展和工厂的建立,许多传统手工艺逐渐失传了。
- That custom died out years ago. 那种风俗许多年前就消失了。
- With the development of modern industry, many of the traditional crafts have died out. 随着现代工业的发展,很多传统工艺已失传了。
- With the development of transport and the building of new factories many of the traditional crafts have died out. 随着交通的发展和工厂的建立,许多传统手工艺逐失传了。
- Tzu ching (tattooing the face with needles and a green dye), is one of the customs which have died out with the passage of time. 图3:刺黥是泰雅族的旧习俗,现在只能在老一辈山胞的脸上找到刺黥的痕迹。
- That custom prevailed in faraway times. 那种风俗在遥远的过去曾经流行。
- But if circumcisers were really motivated by purely medical considerations, the procedure would have died out long ago, along with leeching, skull-drilling, and castration. 就女性而言,在性交过程中,尤其是在刚要达到快感时,阴道壁是紧紧包绕着阴茎的,明茎向前推进时,阴茎包皮便滞留在阴茎头以后,形成一个有一定厚度的皮圈;
- The news was given out that the king had died. 国王的死讯已经公布。
- The custom has been known from of old. 这种习俗是古代遗风。
- Notice that Amazon recognizes a customer through a cookie and personalizes the site based on what that customer has ordered before. 亚马孙认可顾客通过曲奇饼和个人化站点根据那名顾客以前定购了什麽。
- If the disgruntled customer has made it clear what will satisfy him, then do everything within your power to accommodate that customer. 如果抱怨的客户明确表示了怎么样可以让他满意,那就在你的权利范围之内想尽一切方法**他。