- That cost is worth considering. 这个代价值得考虑。
- His suggestion is worth considering. 他的提议值得考虑。
- Your suggestion is worth considering. 你的建议很值得考虑。
- It is a measure of the unusualness of this recession that such an idea is worth considering. 这个建议值得考虑正好说明了这次的经济衰退是多么的非同寻常。
- If you are bought again duple (cost is 9.35) or 3 times that cost is lower. 如你再买二倍(成本是9.;35了)或三倍那成本更低了。
- Carol: Mom, when the cause is just the cost is worth any sacrifices. 卡罗尔:妈妈,这是正义事业,即使是牺牲都值得。
- It is worth considering replacement even though there is no sign of damage on the surface. 有时即使头盔表面没有损毁痕迹,也应考虑是否须予更换。
- The previews can help decide if the tradeoff of faster download time for less distinct images is worth considering. 预览可帮您确定靠降低图像质量来加快下载是否值得。
- The system of the Abraham religious holds that monotheism is the highest stage in the development of the faith, it is worth considering. 亚伯拉罕宗教系统认为,一神信仰是信仰发展的最高阶段,这值得参考;
- So it is worth considering to exempt multilateral environmental agreements from GATT rules. 因此它从各方面来看是值豁免来自关税贸易总协定规定的多边环境的契约。
- But palliative is worth considering in symptomatic MMM patients with anemia and/or thrombocytopenia. 除了一位病患以外,其他所有病患(95%25)都完成了沙利窦迈-强体松疗法。
- It is worth considering the bases for such predictions with respect to the various uses of English. 因此就值得从英语的种种使用方面对这些预测的根据作一番思考。
- One man who is worth considering at long odds in this half though is Spain's David Ferrer. 当然,所有这些改变也许都来自于头脑,纳达尔说:“我不断提醒自己必须时刻保持强烈的侵略性。”
- The expert's estimate is that the painting is worth one million. 专家估计这幅画值一百万元。
- First, relation between cost and price is discussed and the conclusion that cost is the lowest limit of price is educed. 本文探讨了工程成本和价格的关系,得出了工程价格必须以工程成本为最低界限的结论,为投标报价不得低于成本奠定了理论基础。
- Serious injures and deaths occur, and all of us must do what we can to prevent them. In this light, a substitution rule is worth considering. 重伤和死亡不可避免,我们应该竭尽全力不让它们发生。因此,有必要考虑一项替补规则。
- That cost is more manageable if banks keep some exposure but sell most of the securities to other investors who have no recourse. 如果银行将大部分的证券卖给需要纯抵押(无股东连带保证)贷款的投资者而仅保留一部分资产担保证券,那么融资的成本更易控制。
- The capital cost is amortizable over a period of ten years. 资本费用可在十年之内分期偿还。
- Before yielding to despair over the intractability of political reform in India, it is worth considering the outcomes of recent elections. 在对印度政改的复杂性绝望之前,倒是值得考虑一下最近选举的结果。
- This idea is well worth considering. 这个想法很值得考虑。