- Chemical Induction of Mutation in Yellow Peel Watermelon and its Application in Tetraploid Watermelon Breeding 黄皮西瓜化学诱变及四倍体利用研究初报
- Identification of Resistance in Tetraploid Watermelon Germplasm to Fusarium Wilt and Genetic Analysis 四倍体西瓜种质资源的抗枯萎病性鉴定及其遗传规律初探
- Tetraploid watermelon 四倍体西瓜
- Since the first tetraploid was obtained in 1939, polyploidy breeding has always been the focus of watermelon breeding. 从1939年获得第一个四倍体西瓜以来,多倍体育种就一直是西瓜育种的一个热点。
- This kind of watermelon is remarkable for its size. 这种西瓜个头儿大。
- The oocyte is effectively a tetraploid cell. 卵母细胞是有效的四信体细胞。
- The hostess iced the watermelon. 女主人把西瓜冰镇上了。
- Watermelon is a staple at picnics. 西瓜是野餐的主要水果。
- We can eat watermelon in summer. 我们可以在夏天的时候吃西瓜。
- The watermelon is green without and red within. 西瓜皮绿瓤红。
- A watermelon is red inside and green outside. 西瓜内红外绿。
- The pulp of this watermelon is too spongy. 这西瓜瓤儿太肉了。
- Eat your watermelon over the table. 你就着桌子吃西瓜。
- Your watermelon is three times bigger than mine. 你的西瓜比我的大三倍。
- The bigger is a watermelon,the sweeter is it. 西瓜越大越甜。
- A watermelon is cut into four equal pieces. 如果一个西瓜被切为均等的四块。
- And the watermelon bumped my head! 西瓜撞到了我的头!
- Facultative Apospory in Tetraploid Paspalum distichum L. 四倍体双穗雀稗兼性无孢子生殖的研究。
- I ate the watermelon as sonn as got home. 比如说我一回家就吃了那个西瓜。
- Rooting Culture of Tetraploid Robinia Pseudoacacia L. 四倍体刺槐组培瓶苗生根培养研究。