- How and when can the Testing Organization detect software defects? 如何以及何时测试机构能够出检测软件缺陷?
- A good test organization (or the lack of one) can make or break a company. 一个好的测试组织(或没有一个)能成就一个公司(或毁灭一个公司)。
- All radiative test organization is agency, on consignment of supervising organization, provide service for athletes. 各个放射卫生检测机构作为中介机构,接受管理机构的委托为“运动员”提供有偿服务。
- Iterative system development has consequences for the organization of a project often small, multi-disciplinary teams and also for the testing organization. 迭代化系统开发已经在一个项目的组织中有了重要地位,并且对于测试组织也是这样。
- Established Engineering Materials Research and Laboratories Ltd (Materialab), a materials research and testing organization serving the construction industry. 成立物料研究化验有限公司,为建筑业提供全面的材料研究及化验服务。
- The design of STAF is described.Also discussed is how it was employed to automate a resource-intensive test suite used by an actual testing organization within IBM. 而且当软体有变动时,测试脚本也需要同步更新,这对测试人员来说是一大挑战,测试人员常常就是整个测试脚本再重新录制一遍。
- It has been proved that developing IMIS of our testing organization can enhance testing-efficiency, standardize management of testing organization, carry out standard and assurance of quality and assist decision-making efficiently. 通过实践证明,检测中心智能管理系统,可以有效提高检测工作效率,规范检测业务管理,实现全面质量控制,辅助科学决策。
- Intro: Recently, the first paternity testing organization in Zhuhai opened, which will provide various DNA testing services to help establish relationships where necessary between family members. 近日珠海首家亲子鉴定机构启用,该机构可为市民提供包括父母与子女、兄弟姐妹之间等多项亲缘关系的鉴定。
- The identification of yellow jadeite,however,is a headache to the gemstone testing organizations. 而黄色翡翠鉴别是珠宝鉴定部门的难题。
- A simple test will show if this is real gold. 简单的试验就能证明这是否是真金。
- We have taken part in inter laboratory comparisons of total N and + 15 N abundance determination proficiency testing organized by FAO/IAEA . 参加了由FAO/IAEA组织的全氮和15N丰度检测能力验证的实验室国际间的比对 .
- It successfully passes all the proficiency testing of pesticide residues, food additive testing organized by CNCA, CNAS. 多次参加并通过了国家认监委、认可委等部门组织的农残、药残、食品/非食品添加剂等能力验证。
- Objective To explore the feasibility about Xiphophorus helleri, Poecilia and Gambusia affinis as test organisms for 7 day subchronic toxicity test . 目的探索红剑鱼、孔雀鱼和食蚊鱼作为实验动物用于七天亚慢性毒性试验材料的可行性。
- The acute toxicity of fenvalerate,triazophos, thrichlorfon were measured by using Myrocyprinus asianicus juvenile as test organism. 采用胭脂鱼幼鱼作为测试生物,开展了氰戊菊脂、三唑磷、敌百虫对胭脂鱼幼鱼的急性毒性研究。
- If the designated testing organs do not comply with the requirements after inspection,the GAQSIQ or the entry exit inspection and quarantine organs may cancel the designation. 被指定的检测机构经检查不符合规定要求的,国家质检总局或者出入境检验检疫机构可以取消指定。
- BECTO British Electric Cable Testing Organization 英国电缆测试组织
- Pupils who pass the test will be promoted to the next higher grade. 小学生只要考试及格就会升到高年级。
- Determination of the strength or biological activity of a substance,such as a drug or hormone,by comparing its effects with those of a standard preparation on a test organism. 生物鉴定通过将其结果与对试验生物所做标准制剂的比较,来鉴定一种物质的强度或生物活性,如药或激素。
- We are testing the efficacy of a new drug. 我们正在测试新药的功效。
- Determination of the strength or biological activity of a substance, such as a drug or hormone, by comparing its effects with those of a standard preparation on a test organism. 生物鉴定通过将其结果与对试验生物所做标准制剂的比较,来鉴定一种物质的强度或生物活性,如药或激素