- Test Point Data 试验点数据
- Unable to read reparse point data buffer. 无法读取重分析点数据缓冲区。
- College English 1-6 vocabulary test point handbook II. 大学英语1-6级词汇考点手册2。
- Grid: A surface thematic interpolating point data over a region. 网格:一种表面专题插值数据点的区域。
- Point data appearing on the coding forms can be categorized as follows. 编码显示的点数据,可以归纳如下。
- Appearance Test Point The point at which a circuit may be measured by test equipment. 测试设备在该点对线路进行测量。
- Test point is alraedy discussed in the revival and survival. It is not required anyway. 测试点在复活手机中早已经讨论过了。但是这并不是必须的。
- Test points suitable for pressure or temperature measurement. 测试点适用于压力或温度测量。
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether the device is fastest with floating point data. 获取或设置一个值,该值指示对于浮点数据来说,设备是否是最快的。
- The nullability property of arithmetic operators over floating point data type is always nullable. 对浮点数据类型执行运算的算术运算符的为空性属性始终可为空。
- MIU Memory Interface Unit. This is responsible for data conversion and formatting for floating point data types. 内存接口单元此负责浮点数类型的数据转换和格式。
- Using this device can control the test point of contact line in shortcircuit and heat cycle experiment of catenary , as a result , the temperature of contact line can be measured. 为了保证运营安全, 在投入使用前需要对接触线及其电连接件通电后的温 升进行测量实验,即 短路热循环 实验。
- I was more anxious about getting through the test points without screwing up. 我担心的是无法圆满完成试飞内容。
- You don't actually get anything until you create an object of that class with new,and at that point data storage is created and methods become available. 除非用new创建那个类的一个对象,否则实际上并未得到任何东西。只有执行了new后,才会正式生成数据存储空间,并可使用相应的方法。
- By the local tangent space representation theorem, distances between the test point and local tangent spaces were directly computed from sample dataset. 利用流形的局部切空间表示,直接从样本集出发求出测试样本到各局部切空间的距离,在这一度量上用近邻法进行分类。
- You don't actually get anything until you create an object of that class with new, and at that point data storage is created and methods become available. 除非用new创建那个类的一个对象,否则实际上并未得到任何东西。只有执行了new后,才会正式生成数据存储空间,并可使用相应的方法。
- This paper introduces"danger point prediction and control system",which consist of danger point data bank and management system being possessed of multimedia functional. 介绍由危险点数据库及具有多媒体功能的管理系统组成的"变电站工作危险点预测及控制系统"。
- The District Attorney's Office says tests point to an unexplained third party. 地区律师办公室称测试指出了一个尚不清楚的第三方。
- This article explains the necessity of performing a comprehensive management of GCP(Ground Control Point)data,its relevant concepts and aimed functions. 本文介绍了对控制点数据进行综合管理的必要性、思路;
- A simple test will show if this is real gold. 简单的试验就能证明这是否是真金。