- Tell that to your grandmother. 胡说。
- You shouldn't talk back to your grandmother. 你不该跟你奶奶顶嘴。
- You must tell that to all the girls ! 安你一定跟所有的女孩都这麽说!
- But don't tell that to the young Potter-ites. 但是别把这些告诉年轻的波特迷们.
- Tell that to the (horse) marines! 胡说!我才不信的!谁信你那一套!
- Don't answer back to your grandmother; it's not polite. 不许和奶奶还嘴,这不礼貌。
- How can you do that to your studies? 你怎么能那样对待学习呢?
- You were rude to say that to your father just now. 你刚才对你父亲讲那种话太不礼貌。
- Why do you invite a rotter like that to your house? 你为什么邀请那样的一个无赖上你家里来?
- Tell that to the bullfrog, chicken hawk or turtledove. 把这件事告诉牛蛙、猎鸡鹰和斑鸠.
- ZIP: Shoulda told that to the forklift. 你该对铲车说。
- It's too far to ride to your grandmother's,you'd better take the bus. 骑车到你祖母那儿去太远了,你最好乘车去。
- Tell that to the oxy chap downstairs and touch him for a guinea. 把这话讲给楼下那个牛津家伙[24]听,向他挤出一基尼[25]。
- It's too far to ride to your grandmother's; you'd better take the bus. 骑车去你奶奶家太远了, 你最好坐公共汽车去。
- Let them tell that to General MacArthur and his men. 让他们去对麦克阿瑟将军和他的士兵们说吧!
- Do not try to teach your grandmother to suck eggs. 不要班门弄斧。
- House: Tell that to all the hookers who won't kiss me on the mouth. 和那些不愿和我接吻的妓女说这话吧.
- If you like you can tell that to the people who are slandering you. 伊沙还喜欢论战,在诗歌界树敌甚多。
- I don't know how you can speak like that to your mother. 真想不到你怎么会那样对你母亲说话。
- Tell that joker to stop using my parking space. 叫那个家伙不要占用我的停车场。