- Technical trade measures 技术性贸易措施
- High reward potential for technical trade on Halliburton. 对Halliburton股票进行技术交易将带来潜在的高回报。
- Regrettably, however, trade measures by the U.S. against China are on the rise. 然而遗憾的是,美国对中国的贸易限制正在升温。
- These members noted the negative effect such reductions or exemptions could have on revenues and predictability and certainty in application of tariff and other trade measures. 这些成员指出,此类减免可能对税收及实施关税和其他贸易措施的可预测性和确定性产生负面影响。
- Because of these fundamental economic principles,we sign this letter to advise Congress against imposing retaliatory trade measures against China. 因为这些基本的经济原理,我们在这封信上签名,建议国会否决针对中国的报复性贸易措施。
- Among most of them,technical trade barrier is th e most in portent one restrain the export enterprises in our country. 出口企业国际竞争力受多种因素的影响,在众多的影响因素当中,技术贸易壁垒是影响我国出口企业国际竞争力的最重要的外部因素。
- Conclude the speech prat make a reservation and limitation of the technical trade. 结语部分论述资委会与美国技术贸易的历史定位及其局限性。
- Of course, the best way to do that would be to renounce protective trade measures altogether or at least limit their application to situations of manifestly unfair competition. 当然,最好的方法就是完全取消保护性贸易措施,或者至少限制它们在明显不合理竞争的情况下使用。
- Design patterns are important to software development as witnessed by the amount of coverage they get in the technical trade press. 设计模式对软件开发来说很重要,这一点从它在技术贸易新闻中所占的数量就可见一斑。
- With the rapid development of Chinese foreign trade the technical trade rampart brings serious influence on Chinese foreign trade development. 摘要技术性贸易壁垒已成为国际贸易中最主要的贸易壁垒形式。
- Technical trade barrier is not only restrain the trade business,but also reduce the quant ities of the export enterprise in a certain degree. 技术贸易壁垒既对出口企业具有抑制贸易的负效应,又可能会在短期内使出口企业的数量有一定程度的减少。
- Czech BD 200SN model rotation frame is a major type of rotation frames imported by China under a joint programme by China and Czechoslovakia on a technical trade basis. 捷克BD200-SN型气流纺机为我国与捷克技贸结合项目,是我国引进气流纺机中的主要机型。
- There is currently therefore no justification in the OIE Terrestrial Animal Health Standards Code for the imposition of trade measures on the importation of pigs or their products. 因此,目前没有理由在世界动物卫生组织的陆生动物卫生标准规定中,对猪肉及猪肉产品的进口采取强制措施。
- Has the act of government in various countries' technical trade protectionism (TBT) constitution and the operation also to have the non-act of government. 在各国的技术性贸易壁垒(TBT)构成和运作中有政府行为也有非政府行为。
- The following strategy, which is a rational measure for SMEs to counter the technical trade barriers at present, asks enterprises have high sensitivity to information. 摘要我国中小企业现阶段应对技术性贸易壁垒的理性选择是跟随战略,这要求企业对信息具有极高的灵敏度。
- The system can completes different trading measures among multimarket and multiagent,and adaptively learn trading variety,markets,measures and changes. 该系统可在多市场多个交易代理商之间完成各种交易手段,并在此过程中自适应的学习交易品种、地点、手段和时机。
- LSLP principle is inchoative the " deduct a percentage from a sum of money in technical trade pays " this one specific way, through a kind computational method obtains float price of the technology. LSLP原则发端于技术贸易中的"提成支付"这一特定方式,通过一种计算方法获得技术的浮动价格。
- The company is mainly a technical trade, production, services, supplemented by a comprehensive enterprise, mainly engaged in the development of GPS systems and wireless transmission systems design. 本公司是一家以技术贸易为主,生产、服务为辅的综合性企业,目前主要从事GPS系统的开发和无线传输系统的设计。
- trade measures for environmental protection 环境贸易手段