- Tears flowing down in flood 泫然泪下
- Again I held my tongues as my wife squeezed my hand,tears flowing down her face. 再一次我管住了自己的舌头,因为我的妻子紧紧抓住了我的手,眼泪从她的脸上流了下来。
- Liu Bei was full of remorse when he saw Zhuge Liang, tears flowing down his face. 诸葛亮来看他,刘备悔恨不已,难过得泪流满面。
- Again I held my tongues as my wife squeezed my hand, tears flowing down her face. 再一次我管住了自己的舌头,因为我的妻子紧紧抓住了我的手,眼泪从她的脸上流了下来。
- What did this have to do with my daughter's wedding? Again I held my tongues as my wife squeezed my hand, tears flowing down her face. 这跟我女儿的婚礼有什么关系?再一次我管住了自己的舌头,因为我的妻子紧紧抓住了我的手,眼泪从她的脸上流了下来。
- The river was in flood after the heavy rain. 大雨过後河水泛滥了。
- Her tears flowed freely (down her cheeks). 她眼泪止不住地(顺著面颊)往下流。
- He is gunned down in the street outside his office. 他在他办公室外的街上被枪杀。
- We can't cross the meadow there because the river is in flood. 我们不能从那里穿过草地,因为河水泛滥了。
- His name will go down in the annals. 他的名字将载入编年史。
- She feel sick and go to lie down in her cabin. 她感觉有些恶心,回她的房舱去躺下休息了。
- I promise I'll keep it down in the future. 我保证今后一定把音量放低。
- The travelers sat down in the motel near the beach. 旅游者在海滨附近的汽车旅店住了下来。
- The astronauts splashed down in the Pacific Ocean. 那些宇航员们溅落在太平洋中。
- My tears flow in a silent, silent slide along the cheek. 我的眼泪无声的流了出来,顺着面颊无声的滑落。
- He will go down in history as a great statesman. 他将作为伟大的政治家而载入史册。
- The rain was coming down in sheets. 大雨滂沱而下。
- The soldiers bedded down in a barn. 士兵们在谷仓里打铺过夜。
- The tears of happiness flowed down her cheeks. 幸福的泪水顺着她的脸颊流淌。
- Houses submerged in flood waters. 淹没在水中的房子。