- Teaching of sound image 声像法
- Language is a storehouse of sound images, and writing is tangible form of those images. 语言既然是音响形象的堆栈,文字就是这些形象的可以捉摸的形式。
- When did the first measurement of the speed of sound take? 第一次测量声速是在什么时候?
- Name of sound file or pointer to memory image to load. 要读取的声音文件名或内存镜像指针。
- Every paragraph is a distillation of sound judgment. 每段话都是正确判断的结晶。
- Discussion of sound image in sound reinforcement in auditorium 厅堂扩声声像的探讨
- Airliners in service at present cannot fly faster than the speed of sound. 目前供使用的客运机飞行速度不能超过音速。
- Characterized by high volume and intensity. Used of sound. 大声的以高音量和强烈为特征的。用于声音
- He read a paper on the teaching of English. 他买了一张报纸。
- Our teacher has mutation of sounds suddenly. 我们的老师突然语音发生了变化。
- Outline the main teaching of Jesus. 概述耶稣的主要教导内容。
- Mach two equals twice the speed of sound. 二马赫相当于声速的二倍。
- His distinction of sound is excellent. 他辨别声音的能力很强。
- Buddha came here to teach of balance and no fear. 佛陀来这里教导平衡和没有恐惧。
- Wood is a poor conductor of sound. 木头是声音的不良导体。
- On the Teaching of Course of Sound Mind Education for University Students 大学生心理健康教育课教学研究
- A device for measuring the speed of sound in water. 速度计,速度表用于测量声音在水中的速度的仪器
- What can teaching thinking do with teaching of Chinese language? 思考教学在华文教学中有怎样的功能呢?
- The percentage of sound seed is usually 2-10%. 其健壮的种子通常仅占2-10%25。
- Characterized by harmony of sound; melodious. 悦耳的声音和谐的;悦耳的