- Tax system in modern China 中国近代税收制度
- The Case System in Modern China and Its Characteristics 中国近代判例制度及其特征
- His dilemma was not a uncommon one in modern China. 他的尴尬处境,在现代中国并不少见。
- On Zeng Jize's Pounding at the Treaty System in Modern China 论曾纪泽对近代中国不平等条约的冲击
- Research on the thoughts in Modern China? 中国近代思想史研究?
- The Evolvement Trend on Foreign Loans System in Modern China 中国近代外债制度演变趋势述论
- Finally, differences of professors’ power system in modern China and in west on obtaining and maintenance are discussed and the localization of representative democracy is discussed also. 最后,探讨了我国近代大学教授权力制度与西方大学教授权力制度在获得和维护等方面的差异以及这种民主代议制的局限性。
- Zheng Guanying was a famous thinker in modern China. 郑观应是中国近代著名的思想家。
- Mr.Du is a preeminent expert of Library Science in modern China. 是我国近现代卓越的图书馆学家。
- Li Shutong is an illuminative music educator in modern China. 李叔同是我国近代著名的启蒙音乐教育家。
- A Comparative Study on the Abolition of the Lijin System in Modern China And the Present-day Tax Reform 中国近代裁撤厘金与当前税费改革比较研究
- They called for a radical reform of our tax system. 他们要求对税收制度进行根本改革。
- The Reform Backgrounds, Characteristics and its Historical Values of the PE Curriculum during Implementation of Ren Xu Educational System in Modern China 我国近代壬戌学制与体育课程的改革背景、特点及其历史意义
- Every kind of reforms in economical policies and system consequentially lead to the similar in tax system in every country. 各国在经济全球化背景下的各种经济政策和体制变革,必然导致各国税制结构的趋同化。
- Hence, the personnel system of postal service in modern China is a kind of capitalistic personnel system. 因此,近代中国的邮政人事制度是一种资本主义的人事制度。
- At present, the network economy almost dissociates from the tax system in nor country, so to put network economy into the taxation scope is beneficial to the tax system. 摘要目前,我国网络经济基本上是游离在税收体系之外的,把网络经济纳入征税范围将有利于税收体系的健全。
- It describe the similarity and dissimilarity of land tax system in Taiwan and Hong Kong, and the comparison on land resource development and economic benefit. 说明台港土地租税制度之异同,以及土地资源开发与经济效益之比较。
- The consultative politics and the system of political consultation were particularly born in the political environment in modern China. 摘要现代中国的政治生态环境,催生了独具特色的协商性政治,并形成人民政治协商制度。
- I suppose you also have a caste system in your society. 我想你们的社会里也有一种等级制度。