- Target Cost Plus Fee 目标成本加费用
- Target Cost Plus Target Fee 靶机成本加靶机费用
- cost plus fee agreement 加酬合同
- We charge for the work on a cost plus basis. 我们用成本加成的方法计算工程报价。
- How to Control the Logistics Target Cost. 如何实施物流目标成本控制。
- Production cost plus overhead is higher than revenue. 生产成本加上间接费用高出营业收入。
- For large or ultra-large construction project, the rationality and feasibility of cost plus incentive fee contract mode commonly used by owners and project management contractors are discussed. 论述了大型或超大型工程建设项目,业主与项目管理承包商常采用成本加激励酬金合同模式的合理性和可行性。
- Cost Plus Fixed Fee Contract, CPFF 成本加固定费
- Cost Plus Incentive Fee Contract 成本加奖励费合同
- Cost Plus Incentive Fee Contract, CPIF 成本加奖励
- CPIFC Cost Plus Incentive Fee Contract 成本加奖励费用合同
- Develop new CATV product base on technical requirement, schedule and target cost. 根据技术要求、时间进程和成本目标研发新产品。
- Payment of any such Cost plus reasonable profit, which shall be included in the Contract Price. 对此费用加上合理利润的支付,此支付应包括在合同价中。
- The other is the method of lognitudinal-prediction of point value priority for target cost and gain the objective cost through advanced function unit. 另一种是纵向的企业目标成本的分值优先法,通过确定先进功能单元的分值确定目标成本。
- The cost of using a resource, i.e. its actual cost plus the profit forgone by not putting it to another use. 机会成本是指占用资源的代价,亦即资源另作他用所能取得的最高效益。
- Sharing information with the other departments involved as well as carrying out cooperation negotiations with suppliers in order to reach target cost, quality and deadline. 和其他部门合作与供应商协调确保产品达到成本和质量要求。
- However, because the Cost field is equal to the actual cost plus the remaining cost, it is updated to reflect the addition of the actual cost. 但是,因为“成本”域等于实际成本加剩余成本,所以会更新该域以反映添加的实际成本。
- The paper expounds the management and control method of highway item cost at different stages in order to achieve the target cost of item and maximal economic benefit. 针对公路工程项目成本费用控制,分阶段进行了管理与控制方法阐述,以求实现项目的目标成本,取得最大的经济效益。
- The compensation payable generally includes the invoice cost plus freight, the insurance premium, and an agreed percentage, say 10%. 赔偿金额一般包括发票金额和运输费用及保险费再加一个商定的百分比,如10%25。
- The paper introduces the practice and experience of improving the economic efficiency by implementing target cost management in Guofa Forestry Co., Ltd. of Guangxi. 介绍了广西国发林业造纸有限责任公司通过推行目标成本管理,提高企业经济效益的实践经验。