- Tantrism in Tibetan Buddhism 藏传佛教密宗;藏密
- Tibetan Buddhism stands high in Tibetan culture. 藏传佛教在藏文化中占有崇训的地位。
- They believe in Tibetan Buddhism or polytheism. 人们信仰藏传佛教(喇嘛教)或崇奉多神。
- Xigaze Area holds an important position in Tibetan Buddhism. 日喀则地区在藏传佛教领域,拥有举足轻重的地位。
- The majority of Tibetans believe in Tibetan Buddhism. 西藏大多数人信奉藏传佛教。
- This Buddhist figure is particularly upheld in Tibetan Buddhism. 这个佛教的象征尤其是在藏传佛教出现。
- Implements used in worship in Tibetan Buddhism have many varieties with cifferent materials and making processes. 西藏佛教的法器种类繁多,材料和制作方法都不尽相同。
- In Tibet there was a great yogi called Milarepa who is respected by all schools in Tibetan Buddhism. 在西藏,有一位伟大的瑜伽士名叫密勒日巴,他受到西藏所有佛教学派的尊崇。
- It is a representation of the cycle of reincarnation (Samsara) widely discussed in Tibetan Buddhism. 生死轮回图是阐述藏传佛教基本理论的一个代表性图案。
- There are various other models of chakras in other traditions, notably in Chinese medicine, and also in Tibetan Buddhism. 在其它传统里有各种各样的脉轮模型,特别在中国医学以及西藏佛教里。
- When the Panchen Lama, the second highest figure in Tibetan Buddhism, died in 1995, the Dalai Lama announced a successor. 当藏传佛教第二高地位的人物十一世班禅死于1995年,达赖喇嘛宣布了继任者。
- The reincarnation of holy men,or "Living Buddhas," is a unique form of succession in Tibetan Buddhism which has long been recognized and respected by the State. 活佛转世是藏语系佛教特有的传承方式,得到了国家的承认和尊重。
- Participants enclose a big circle, singing and dancing being led by one person and proceed clockwise (which is in accordance with the "spinning right"in Tibetan Buddhism). 参加者围成大的圆圈,随着领舞者边歌边舞,沿顺时针方向前进。(这和藏传佛教讲求"右旋"相一致)
- The reincarnation of holy men, or "Living Buddhas," is a unique form of succession in Tibetan Buddhism which has long been recognized and respected by the State. 活佛转世是藏语系佛教特有的传承方式,得到了国家的承认和尊重。
- The author also examines the origins in Tibetan religious architecture of such shrines and the relationship between the Qianlong Emperor and Tibetan Buddhism. 同时探讨了清宫神坛与西藏寺庙的渊源及乾隆与藏传佛教的关系。
- White Horse do not believe in Tibetan Buddhism and believe in God naturally, the most Shun is referred to as "Xina Meng Ye" (meaning "white master"), a Kamiyama. 白马藏族不信佛教而信奉自然神,其中最崇信的是称为“叶西纳蒙”(意即“白马老爷”)的一座神山。
- In Tibetan Buddhism there are a large number of scriptural texts that have come down through various spiritual beings who have left them for us to study and supplicate. 藏传佛教中,也有着大量的经文、仪轨,经由诸多伟大的精神导师一直传承下来,他们为我们留下了经典和仪轨,让我们去学习和祈祷。
- Chapter Three is about the conflicts between some Mongolian tribes and the Orthodox Eastern Church after the 17th century and the reasons that some tribes believe in Tibetan Buddhism. 第三章主要探讨了十七世纪以后卡尔梅克、布里亚特、图瓦等蒙古人与东正教的矛盾冲突以及蒙古各部坚持信奉藏传佛教的原因。
- One uses the principles of pinyin while the other uses Tibetan, recognising the fact that most Primi are adherents of Tibetan Buddhism and some are literate in Tibetan as a liturgical language. 这是鉴于普米族大多数人信仰藏传佛教,不少普米人懂藏文,会念佛经的实际着想。
- In Tibetan Buddhism and other schools closely related to Yogacara and Vajrayana practises, a dakini is considered a supernatural being who tests a practitioner's abilities and commitments. 在藏传佛教和其他与瑜伽行派和金刚乘实践相关的佛学院里面,一个空行母就代表一个超自然的存在,考验修炼者的能力和承担义务。