- Tangra Yumco 当惹雍错
- In 1997 the Yamzho Yumco Water Pumping and Energy Storing Power Station, built with state investment totaling 2.014 billion yuan, was completed and began to generate electricity. 1997年,国家投资20.;14亿元的羊卓雍湖抽水蓄能电站竣工、发电。
- This mosaic of astronaut photographs, taken along a single International Space Station orbit track, depicts Lake Puma Yumco during the winter season. 该图由国际太空站一颗轨道卫星所摄,生动显示了冬季时纳木错湖的景象。
- In 1997 the Yamzho Yumco Water Pumping and Energy Storing Power Station,built with state investment totaling 2.014 billion yuan,was completed and began to generate electricity. 1997年,国家投资20.;14亿元的羊卓雍湖抽水蓄能电站竣工、发电。
- Lake Yamzho Yumco: Situated in the Lhoka area, the lake is 638 square kilometers in size, making it the largest lake on the northern slope of the Himalayas. 位于山南地区浪卡子县境内,湖面海拔4441米,湖水面积638平方公里,是喜玛拉雅山北麓最大的内陆湖泊。
- Namco, which means “heavenly lake” in Tibetan, together with the Mapam Yumco and Yamzho Yumco lakes are regarded as the three largest holy lakes in Tibet. 纳木措是藏语“天湖”的意思,与西藏阿里地区的玛旁雍措、浪卡子县的羊卓雍措合称为三大圣湖。
- A project with an investment of 800 million yuan to build the Yamzhog Yumco Pump-Storage Power Station,one of the state's key energy construction projects during the Eighth Five-Year Plan (1991-95). 投资8亿元,兴建被列为国家能源“八五”计划重点建设项目的羊卓雍湖抽水蓄能电站。
- Tibet is abundant in tourism resources, including the world-class Mount Qomolangma, Yarlung Zangbo Canyon, Potala Palace and Yamzhog Yumco Lake-top-notch attractions that numerous people yearn to visit. 这里的旅游资源十分丰富,珠穆朗玛峰、雅鲁藏布大峡谷、布达拉宫、纳木错湖,无论哪一个都是世界级的,不是最大就是最高,不是第一就是最好,足令世人心向往之。
- The Glacial Landforms and the Changes of Glacier and Lake Area in the Mapam Yumco Basin in Tibetan Plateau Based on GIS 基于GIS的玛旁雍错流域冰川地貌及现代冰川湖泊变化研究
- Yumco 永措,位于中国西藏自治区
- Mapam Yumco 玛旁雍错
- Mapam Yumco Basin 玛旁雍错
- the Yamzhog Yumco Basion 羊卓雍流域
- Yamzho Yumco 羊卓雍错