- The quality control in Tanghe inverted siphon project mainly due to the sound organization system, systematic regulations and rules, rigorous quality consciousness, and right control. 摘要南水北调中线唐河倒虹吸工程组织机构健全、规章制度完善、质量意识强、技术把关严、控制措施到位,施工质量有保障。
- Tanghe Inverted Siphon 唐河倒虹吸工程
- Tanghe invert siphon projeet 唐河倒虹吸工程
- the inverted siphon of the Tanghe River 唐河倒虹吸
- A sewer can be laid under a river by using an inverted siphon, which considerably reduces the excavation. 管道在穿过河流时采取虹吸法穿过河底,这样可以大大减少土方工程。
- With different layout of inverted siphon pipe, requirements for inlet flow pattern and submergence are various. 摘要不同的倒虹吸管布置型式,进口流态及淹没要求有所不同。
- New Technique for Strengthening-Application of Clay Carbon Fibre Cloth in Dangerous Releasing and Strengthening Project for Weishui Inverted Siphon. 加固新技术-粘碳纤维布在韦水倒虹除险改建工程中的应用。
- The Inverted Siphon Project of the Tang River is a large-scaled river-graff-cross building of South-to-North Water Transfer. 唐河倒虹吸是南水北调工程中的一座大型河渠交叉建筑物。
- Appling this scheme to all inverted siphon works with gate way like structure the anticipated technical and economic requirements can be achieved. 并将此方案推广至所有城门洞型现浇倒虹管的施工中,达到了施工方案的技术经济要求。
- Using numerical method, water levels both at the upstream and downstream of inverted siphon, flow rates and velocities in filled sections are obtained. 通过数值计算获得了充水时管内上下游水位变化规律,满管段流量及流速的大小。
- This method has a drawback in that the inverted siphon is constantly full of water and often silted up as a result. Other methods do, however, have more serious disadvantages. 但这种方法的缺点是虹吸管内经常积水,结果常常会导致淤沉积。但其它方法存在更多的缺点。
- Based on the quasi-steady and quasi-static hypothesis, a differential equation mode for the filling process of large multi-segment inverted siphon is derived. 摘要基于准恒定准静态的假设,推导了大型多段倒虹吸管充水过程的微分方程模型。
- Considering the hydrogeologic factors in Beiyishui invert siphon project, the flow diversion strocture is laid out in 2 phases and the fully enclosed cofferdam is adopted. 摘要根据实际情况将导流建筑物分二期布置,采用全封闭围堰型式。
- The key point of concrete construction in Cihe invert siphon project are the vertical transportation of pipeline concrete placement and the construction of mold plate process. 磁河倒虹吸工程混凝土施工的关键点在于管身段混凝土浇筑的垂直运输及模板工艺的施工。
- The inverted siphon uses bulk steel formwork and scaffolding full support system with the level and slope type distributors, which greatly enriched the inverted siphon construction technology. 蒲阳河倒虹吸管身全部采用散装钢模板和满堂脚手架支撑体系成型,布料机为水平和斜坡行走式,极大地丰富了倒虹吸管身施工技术。
- Abstract: Concrete distributors in the South-to-North Water Diversion Project have solved concrete transporting in the inverted siphon tube, but the slopes construction has been constrained. 摘 要: 混凝土布料机在举世瞩目的南水北调工程施工中,解决了倒虹吸水平管身段混凝土输送问题,但在斜坡段施工中受到了制约。
- Yongdinghe river inverted siphon 永定河倒虹吸
- The results provide scientific basis for the safety assessment of the filling process in the inverted siphons. 计算结果可为大型倒虹吸管充水过程的安全评估提供科学依据。
- the Hutuo River's Inverted Siphon Project 滹沱河倒虹吸
- Inverted siphon is a type of drainage structure widely used on the left bank of the main trunk canal, and there is of great difference between siphons on the engineering scale. 摘要排水倒虹吸是左岸排水建筑物中数量最多的一种型式。