- Tan Kah - kee architecture 嘉庚建筑
- Newsletter of Tan Kah Kee International Association. 陈嘉庚国际学会会讯。
- Tong returned in 1962, Tan Kah Kee anniversary of the death of a completed. 归来堂于1962年陈嘉庚先生逝世一周年纪念日落成。
- Tan Kah Kee vertical stone statue on the screen before the legislature. 陈嘉庚竖式铜像就立在石屏前。
- Tan Kah Kee Tong returned home at a southern Jiageng Road, is the return of Hall. 归来堂陈嘉庚先生故居南面隔一条嘉庚路,就是归来堂。
- Tan Kah Kee body after the stone statue on-screen engraved with Chairman Mao Zedong's "Overseas Chinese flag, national glory," wrote an inscription. 陈嘉庚全身铜像后石屏上刻有毛泽东主席的“华侨旗帜,民族光辉”题词。
- Back garden was built in 1983, to commemorate the founder of Tan Kah Kee -70th Anniversary of schools built, covers an area of 9,300 square meters. 归来园建于1983年,是为纪念陈嘉庚先生创办集美学校70周年而建的,占地面积9300平方米。
- Mr Tan Kah Kee, after assuming position as President of the Ee Hoe Hean Club in 1923, set up a reading room in the third floor of the club building. 陈嘉庚先生从1923年开始担任怡和轩俱乐部的总理后,一直到1947年都是该俱乐部的核心负责人之一。在入主怡和轩后曾进行改革,其中之一就是在怡和轩会所的设立一个图书室,供会员阅读。
- The Tan Kah Kee Young People's Invention Award,set up more than 10 years ago,was suggested by Prof. Yang himself. This is to encourage young people to be creative. 早在十多年前设立的陈嘉庚青少年发明奖就是在杨振宁教授的倡议下成立的,以鼓励年轻人具有创新精神。
- The Tan Kah Kee Young People's Invention Award, set up more than 10 years ago, was suggested by Prof. Yang himself. This is to encourage young people to be creative. 早在十多年前设立的陈嘉庚青少年发明奖就是在杨振宁教授的倡议下成立的,以鼓励年轻人具有创新精神。
- Professor Daniel Kwok of the Hawaii University delivered the Tan Kah Kee Lecture in Singapore recently on "China: Theone and the many,an end-of-century view of unification and division in the Chinese historical experience". 美国夏威夷大学教授郭颖颐最近在我国发表陈嘉庚演讲:《一个中国、多个中国:从世纪末角度看中国在历史上的分与合》。
- Professor Daniel Kwok of the Hawaii University deliveredthe Tan Kah Kee Lecture in Singapore recently on "China: Theone and the many, an end-of-century view of unification and division in the Chinese historical experience". 美国夏威夷大学教授郭颖颐最近在我国发表陈嘉庚演讲:《一个中国、多个中国:从世纪末角度看中国在历史上的分与合》。
- From left are Federation Chairman Chen Jiageng (Tan Kah Kee), Vice Chairman Zhuaug Xiyan (Tjung Sie Gan, Chinese leader in Dutch East Indies) and Li Qingquan (Lee Cheng Chuan, Chinese leader in the Philippines ). (左起)南侨总会主席陈嘉庚、副主席庄西言(荷属东印侨领,荷印即今印度尼西亚)、副主席李清泉(菲律宾侨领)。
- The Museum by the famous Chinese leaders founder of the Tan Kah Kee, by the Chinese and returned overseas Chinese contributions to build, 1956 to commence in May 1959 officially opened. 该馆由著名华侨领袖陈嘉庚先生主持创办,并由侨胞和归侨捐款筹建,1956年动工,1959年5月正式开放。
- Today, on both sides of the house, built Tan Kah Kee-story pavilion. 如今,在故居两侧,又建起了陈嘉庚先生平事迹陈列馆。
- Northeast Tan Kah Kee precious inscription found 东北发现陈嘉庚珍贵题词
- Tan Kah - Kee' thought on education 陈嘉庚教育思想
- On the Spirits of Honesty and Persistence Advocated by Tan Kah Kee 初论陈嘉庚的诚毅精神
- I bought a pair of tan leather shoes the other day. 前几天我买了双棕褐色的皮鞋。
- Mr. Tan Kah Kee's Sense of Urgency About Lagging Behind and Its Enlightenment 陈嘉庚的忧患意识及其启示