- 国窖·1573National Pits·1573
- 中国明朝万历年间(1573-1620年),与清教徒抵达美国麻萨诸塞州是同一时期。The Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty in China lasted from 1573 to 1620,the same year the Pilgrims reached Massachusetts in America.
- S玻璃纤维S-glass fibre
- 他在文件上签上姓名的首字母G.P.S。He initialed the paper G.P.S.
- 卡拉瓦乔,米开朗琪罗 梅莉斯 达1573-1610意大利巴洛克画家,其有影响力的作品,如下十字架《耶稣遗体的下放》,富于浓烈的写实主义,并创新地运用了光线Italian painter of the baroque whose influential works, such as Deposition of Christ(1604), are marked by intense realism and revolutionary use of light.
- s-o-n-g拼成"song"一字。s-o-n-g spells "song".
- 籼SXian S
- A-Santi-spoofing(A-S)
- S捻S Twist
- S族S
- S.Dsystem dynamics
- S光s-component
- 脱SS removal
- S帧S-frames
- S.CS.C
- T-S模T-S model
- [Al]s[ Al ] s
- H.S.先生已退出本公司,特此奉告。We have the honour to inform you of the retirement form this firm of Mr. H.S.
- S弯曲bend waveguide