- Taki Kazuo 泷一夫(1910-71),日本人,陶瓷工艺家
- Ferraro, Kazuo Nakamoto, Chris W.Brown. 书名 :Introductory Raman spectroscopy /John R.
- Taki flat octagonal, with stone masonry section, two for the stage to the West. 塔基平面八角形,用石条砌筑,出地西二层为台阶。
- Taki is located in part of the vocabulary of simple, but it is the main test. 位于塔基部分的词汇虽然简单,但却是考查的主体。
- Kazuo Inamori is the founder and honorary board chairman of the famous Kyocera Co. 稻盛和夫是日本著名的京瓷公司的创办者,名誉董事长。
- This dissertation discusses an aspect of Kazuo philosophy's cultural origin: the religion influence on Kazuo Inamori. 本文探讨的是稻盛哲学文化渊源的一个方面:宗教对稻盛和夫的影响。
- Taki brick with bluestone mill, flat base 9 abbot, high 6 Zhangting, top mounted light, high light than humans. 塔基用水磨青石砌成,底座9平方丈、高6丈,顶上装灯,灯比人高。
- Temple built in the northeast corner of the town ofhai ta , Taki is a maze, you must have if a plethora of mazes. 寺内东北角建有镇海塔,塔基为一迷宫,您若登塔须先过迷宫。
- The author analyzes the reason why Kazuo Inamori became a monk and the particular religion of the Japanese. 文章还探讨了稻盛和夫出家为僧的原因,并从这一个案出发,深入分析了日本人独特的宗教观。
- Qi-Guang Wu,Kazuo Noda, All admissible linear estimators in coordinatized multivariate linear models. 吴启光,杨国庆,一类正态线性模型中参数的一致最小风险同变估计的存在性,中国科学(A辑),第31卷,第10期,2001年,878-890。(2001
- Layer for the three-meter high Taki, two more than each of the east and west, north and south door there is a coupon. 一层为三米多高的塔基,二层以上,每层各在东、西、南、北有一个券门。
- The Taki family had made great contributions to their collection and preservation. 多纪氏对这些书的搜集与保存,做出了巨大贡献。
- The next day, she receives a message that her enemy is her former teacher, Fujisawa Kazuo. 第二天,她收到一条信息,告知她对手是前任老师藤泽和雄。
- Kazuo Kodama said that Medvedev would not want this issue left over to the next generation to solve. 儿玉和夫称,梅德韦杰夫表示不希望将这个问题遗留给下一代解决。
- Another is Japan's Kazuo Inamori, who founded one of the Kyocera and KDDI two global top 500 enterprises. 另一位是日本的稻盛和夫先生,他一个人缔造了京瓷和KDDI两家全球500强企业。
- Miyake M ,Taki T , Hitomi S ,et al.Correlation of expression of H/Ley/Leb antigens with Survival in Patients with carcinoma of the Lung. 张亚伟,沈镇庙,施达仁,等.;乳腺癌中增殖细胞核抗原的表达及其与预后的关系
- "Don't pick it/ Rengeso (Chinese milk vetch) should be left in the wild after all" is a haiku by Taki Hyosui, a poet of the mid-Edo Period (1603-1867). 江户中期的俳句诗人滝瓢水在诗中写道:“勿摘/留其天然吧/莲华草”。
- This is the latest novel from celebrated author and Booker Prize winner Kazuo Ishiguro, set in a grim, alternate version of contemporary England. 这是著名作家兼“布克奖”获得者石黑一雄推出的最新小说,以一个变换了原貌、冷酷可怖的当代英格兰为背景。
- Taki around the railing, go long on carving patterns, carving of lotus patterns, revealing the elegant simplicity in with Kagutaxiang ying cheng qu . 塔基周围栏杆,上雕去龙图案,中雕莲花图案,古朴中透露出精致,与古塔相映成趣。
- In this controversial documentary, Kazuo Hara follows Kenzo Okuzaki in his real-life struggle attempting to expose the evils of Emperor Hirohito. 在这部有争议的纪录片中,原一男追踪拍摄了奥崎谦三试图揭露裕仁天皇罪恶的行动。