- Take fright at sth. 因某事惊恐
- The animal take fright at the sound of the gun. 那些动物受到枪声的惊吓。
- She took fright at the dog yesterday. 她昨天因看见这狗而受惊。
- The horse took fright at the explosion. 马听到爆炸声而受惊了。
- The animal takes fright at the sound of the gun. 那些动物受到枪声的惊吓。
- The animals took fright at the sound of the gun. 那些动物受到枪声的惊吓。
- The horse took fright at the noise. 马闻声受惊。
- To begin by bluster, but afterwards to take fright at the enemy's numbers, shows a supreme lack of intelligence. 先暴而后畏其众者,不精之至也;
- She knocked on the door,but took fright at the man who opened it and ran away. 他敲敲门,可是被开门的人吓了一跳,跑开了。
- She knocked on the door, but took fright at the man who opened it and ran away. 他敲敲门,可是被开门的人吓了一跳,跑开了。
- He took fright at the idea. 他听了这个主意大吃一惊。
- Investors began to take fright at the scale of current-account deficits in countries such as Thailand, where export growth had stalled or slowed, in part as a result of new competition from China. 投资者对诸如泰国等国的经常账户赤字的规模惊骇不已,这些国家的出口停滞或减缓,部分因为新的来自中国的竞争。
- Take a long cool[hard] look at sth. 冷静而仔细地考虑某事
- The horse took a fright at the sound of the explosion. 马听到爆炸声受了惊。
- They tried speaking to him; but, he was so confused, and so very slow to answer, that they took fright at his bewilderment, and agreed for the time to tamper with him no more. 他们试着和他交谈,但是他仍然很迷糊,回答来得很缓慢。 见到他那惶惑迷乱的样子,他们都感到害怕,都同意不再去惊扰他。
- Meeting them in narrow ravines slowed us up and caused the carters inconvenience and the animals took fright at the sound of our motors and became tangled in their traces. 在山间隘道错车,减绥了我们的车速,也给那些赶车的老乡造成麻烦。牲口听到我们汽车马达的轰隆声,一受惊就乱了套。
- She nearly died of fright at the sight of the escaped tiger. 她一看到出逃的老虎差点吓死了。
- For the Japanese, startled at the unlooked-for resistance in areas they bad already conquered, took fright at the danger, and suddenly returned to North China with thirty-six divisions, determined to eliminate the threat in their rear. 日军在自己所占领的后方地区,出乎意料地遭到抵抗,大为震惊,于是立即掉过头来,以三十六个师的兵力杀回华北,决心拔除自己后方的心腹之患。
- Those activists enjoyed their revenge this week, for it seems that Home Depot's board took fright at last month's declaration of a war that would culminate at this year's annual meeting. 本周,那些激进的股东享受了复仇的快感,因为看上去家得宝董事会对纳尔代利在上个月年会上的宣战感到极为吃惊,两者的对抗由此达到高潮。
- The old man was thrown into a fright at once. 老人不觉大吃一惊。