- It is more open than Germany and Japan,and much more so than Taiwan and the Mainland China. 德国、日本不如它;台湾、大陆更不如它。
- The department intercepted several stolen vehicles smuggled into Hong Kong from Japan, Taiwan and the USA for re-export to the Mainland. 香港海关曾数次成功堵截由日本、台湾及美国偷运来港准备转口往内地的被窃车辆。
- The HK Company is set up as an intermediary to facilitate trading between Taiwan and the Mainland. 香港公司成立的目的,是充当台湾与国内交易的中介人。
- The unifying of Taiwan and the mainland was inevitable in the development of history. 台湾与大陆的统一已成为发展的趋势。
- The department intercepted several stolen vehicles smuggled into Hong Kong from Japan,Taiwan and the USA for re-export to the Mainland. 香港海关曾数次成功堵截由日本、台湾及美国偷运来港准备转口往内地的被窃车辆。
- As for the contrast between the levels of development of Taiwan and the mainland,this question should be examined objectively. 至于比较台湾和大陆的发展程度,这个问题要客观地看。
- Once Taiwan and the mainland are reunified,even if everything in Taiwan,including its current system,remains the same,its situation will be stable. 一旦台湾同大陆统一了,哪怕它实行的制度等等一切都不变,但是形势就稳定了。
- As for the contrast between the levels of development of Taiwan and the mainland, this question should be examined objectively. 至于比较台湾和大陆的发展程度,这个问题要客观地看。
- So we certainly hope we could also find a modus vivendi between Taiwan and the mainland based not on zero-sum game, but on pragmatism. 所以我们当然希望我们能找到一个台湾和大陆之间暂时的妥协,不是零合的游戏,而是实用主义。
- Given the trends on Taiwan and the mainland, I think a collision is very likely at some point within the next decade," he said. 从台湾和北京的趋势来看,我认为未来十年很可能产生军事冲突”。
- On August 3, Chen Shuibian made a speech on "Two Countries, Taiwan and the Mainland, One On Each Side" and called for legislation to enable a "referendum" on Taiwan's future. 8月3日,陈水扁发表"台湾、大陆一边一国"的演说,并提出要对台湾前途进行立法"公民投票",
- Material printed locally with a total value of $4 billion was exported with the United States,the Mainland,the United Kingdom,Taiwan and the Philippines being the major export markets. 在本港印刷出口的物品总值达40亿元,其中大部分输往美国、内地、英国、台湾、菲律宾等主要出口市场。
- On the other hand, the abolishment of the draft can avoid enlarging difference in Chinese character between Taiwan and the mainland, which is good to the expectation of Chinese character. “二简”的废止,没有进一步扩大两岸的汉字的差异,有利于书同文。
- reunification between Taiwan and the mainland 台湾和大陆的统一
- First,Hong Kong and the Mainland have common long-term interests. 首先,香港与中国大陆的长远利益是一致的。
- Second,Hong Kong and the Mainland have the same long-term interest. 其次,香港和内地有着共同的长远利益。
- Ferry services operate between the islands and the mainland. 在大陆和各岛之间有轮渡服务。
- Of course there are also people--on the mainland,in Taiwan and Hong Kong and abroad--who applaud them. 当然也有人叫好。在大陆有人叫好,在台湾、香港和某些外国也有人叫好。
- Of course there are also people--on the mainland, in Taiwan and Hong Kong and abroad--who applaud them. 当然也有人叫好。在大陆有人叫好,在台湾、香港和某些外国也有人叫好。
- Map of Taiwan and part of the mainland coast, put together by a French cartographer. 本图由法国皇家水陆制图师根据耶稣会士的纪录绘成,范围包括台湾岛及大陆沿海的一部分。