- Tactical Weather Station 战术气象站
- The weather station warned that a hurricane was coming. 气象台预报飓风即将来临。
- This is the north pole weather station. 这是北极气象站。
- At the top of the hill stands a weather station. 在山顶上有一个气象站。
- The weather station has forecast tomorrow weather. 气象台已经预报了明日的天气。
- The weather station warned that a storm was coming. 气象站预报暴风雨即将来临。
- A weather station has been set up at the summit. 山顶设了个气象站。
- His father works at the weather station. 他父亲在气象站工作。
- There stands a weather station on the top of the hill. 山顶上有一个气象站。
- The weather station warned of severe snowfalls ahead. 气象台预报将有大雪。
- Another was at a newly established weather station atop Mauna Loa in Hawaii. 另一个观测站是一个新设立的气象站,位在夏威夷的茂纳罗亚火山顶。
- They have set up a network of weather stations. 他们建立了一个气象站网。
- The weather station is situated at an elevation of 3000 metres above sea level. 气象台设在海拔三千米的高处。
- It straddles the 80th parallel and was created as a weather station in 1947. 尤里卡跨坐在第80条平行带上,1947年在此地建起了气象站。
- Tactical Automatic Weather Station 战术自动气象站
- Division Tactical Weather Control 师战术气象控制
- There was nothing yet for the satellite cameras to pick up and relay to the weather station. 人造卫星摄影机没有摄下任何东西,也没有向气象站转发任何东西。
- The doctor warned the patient against smoking. The weather station warned that a storm was coming. 气象台预报即将有暴风雨来临。
- Weather Station Mounting Hardware Poles, bases, brackets, and other hardware to help you install your station. 气象站配备硬件撑杆、底座、支架,和其它硬件帮助您安装您的气象站,包括两种附件
- Direct Connection Cables Connect your WatchDog Weather Station directly to your PC. 连接电缆直接连接气象监测器和电脑。